The Mysteries of Monoatomic Gold

by Jock Doubleday

Wikipedia’s Blank Page

Wikipedia has no page — and indeed, no information whatsoever — on monoatomic gold, otherwise known as monatomic gold, ORMEs gold (“ORMEs” stands for orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements), or white powder gold.

White powder gold, aka, monoatomic gold or monatomic gold. Manna.

Wikipedia’s Missing Monoatomic Minerals

Nor does Wikipedia have information on any monoatomic mineral, though some (common) monoatomic minerals are listed here:

These are the ten monoatomic minerals missing from Wikipedia’s list:


Searches on Wikipedia for “Monatomic Gold” / “Mono-atomic Gold” / “Monoatomic Gold”

Wikipedia’s only mentions (3 mentions, total) of white powder gold, monoatomic gold, or monatomic gold refer only to a fictional or hypothetical substance:

Wikipedia Talk (that is, a discussion among editors) about white powder gold is here, and a screen-shot of that Talk-in-full is here:

David Radius Hudson

For reasons unknown, Wikipedia has no page on David Radius Hudson, the cotton farmer who rediscovered white powder gold in the 1970s.

David Radius Hudson discovered a white powder on his land and wanted to know what it was. He spent millions of dollars having the white powder laboratory analyzed. Then he made public his conclusions in several in-person talks. (See a video of one of those talks below.)

David Radius Hudson presents information on white powder gold at the Enota Resort in Hiawassee, Georgia, U.S., May 2011.

Although Davide Radius Hudson performed rigorous laboratory analyses of monoatomic (white powder) gold, Wikipedia makes no mention of 1) him or of 2) his findings.


What Is White Powder Gold?

White powder gold is monoatomic, or monatomic, gold. In the monoatomic state, or m-state, it has the ability to behave differently from ordinary matter. In particular, it has the ability to act as a superconductor.

In the laboratory, Hudson found that:

“If you use thermo-gravimetric analysis, and you produce monatomic gold, you get sort of a gray-black, Hydrogen Auride (HAu). When you heat it, and the proton is annealed away, this is the same way you produce Amorphous Silicon (Silane to Amorphous Silicon). When you heat it, the proton is annealed away, it goes to a snow white powder! It loses 4/9th of its weight. If you take it back to metal, it regains the weight. As you kept annealing the material, it would levitate – taking the pan with it. In cooling, it would sometimes go to 2 or 300% of the weight. In heating, it goes to less than nothing.

“This only happens in the white powder form. But mass has never left. Losing weight when cooling the material (approaching absolute zero), and you have a superconductor.

“A superconductor is a material that has a single wavelength in the sample, a single vibration or frequency, much like a laser. By definition, a superconductor does not allow any voltage potential to exist within it; it’s perfect amperage, but no voltage. To hook up wires with ordinary current to the superconductor and get the electrons off the wire, you need voltage. You have the tune the vibrational frequency of the electrons in the wire to that of the superconductors. And to get them off.

“The electrons going into the superconductor have to pair, with a time forward electron with a time reverse electron. When they pair, they become light. Any amount of light can exist in the superconductor. It doesn’t reside in any space-time. The only way to prove it’s a superconductor is to measure a Meissner field. Non-polar field (only field of its kind). Superconductivity responds to magnetic fields. Earth’s magnetic field is larger.

“When it goes to the white powder and loses 4/9th of its weight, it’s flowing light within it, in response to the earth’s magnetic field. And it flows so much current that it levitates 4/9th of its weight on the earth’s magnetic field. A human hand has sufficient amperage, that if you pass it under the sample, the material floats. It’s that sensitive to magnetic fields. All the eight precious metal elements can do this. Also Copper, Cobalt, and Nickel. So, I filed 11 patents. . . .”

Special Uses of White Powder Gold

Ken Rohla, advanced races contactee, states in his March 12, 2023 interview on Journey to Truth Podcast (and also on Soundcloud):

“When I first started having this overt contact with these Reptilians, they spent about a year and a half schooling me on what they call gold. They didn’t say monoatomic gold, they just said gold. And they gave me a lot of images and ideas and information about it. And they said that extraterrestrials use gold for time travel and dimension travel, because it remains the same through different dimensions, or frequencies, of space-time. So, extraterrestrial craft, for example, are very often coated with monoatomic gold, or sometimes regular gold, metallic gold. In its monoatomic form, it’s a superconductor, and it has a lot of really weird physics. And it’s multidimensional. . . .”

“. . . Anything monoatomic is not conventional matter. It’s multidimensional matter that exists partially in our physical, 3D space-time, but it also exists simultaneously in other dimensions, or frequencies, of time and space, or existence. And so, it can connect other dimensions or other frequencies, or phases, of reality with ours. And therefore, they use it for interstellar travel, interstellar communications, propulsion systems, all kinds of stuff.” – Ken Rohla
(start minute 13:37)
“EP 237 – Ken Rohla: Guidance from the Stars”

“Monoatomic gold — these [E.T. craft] propulsion systems, they create superconducting Meissner fields that are extremely powerful, and they have extremely high electrical potential. So, if you get anything near it that’s not properly grounded, it can just shoot out lightning bolts and just disintegrate it. And some of the stories about the Ark of the Covenant relate to that, as well, because it’s supposedly a container for monoatomic gold. At any rate, when you’ve got monoatomic gold in any quantity in one place, it will create these superconducting fields, and you have to handle it carefully and know what you’re doing with it.” – Ken Rohla
(start minute 16:15)
“EP 237 – Ken Rohla: Guidance from the Stars”

The Alpha Learning Institute in Switzerland conducted a series of experiments and found that monoatomic elements gave advantages to the participants. The Institute’s director, Sean Adams, concluded after the trials: “If I were going to take an exam, mental or physical, I would take monoatomic elements immediately beforehand.”
(start minute 28:00)
“ORMUS | Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark | Laurence Gardner [FULL 480]”


Wikipedia quite oddly suggests that the Biblical manna is the secretions of a scale insect:

The absurdity of this idea is epic.

In fact, the Biblical manna was white powder gold precipitating onto the desert surface in the cool of the morning and “evaporating” (disappearing: phase-shifting into another dimension) in the heat of the day, and then reappearing in the cool of the next morning.

Reportedly, this morning-precipitating material was enough to sustain the Israelites in their trek through the Sinai desert.

What Does the Hebrew Bible Say about Manna?

The Hebrew Bible calls manna a “fine flake-like thing” that arrived on the desert floor with the dew (during the night) and evaporated with the heat of the sun the next day. In other words, manna had to be collected in the early morning before it disappeared in the light/heat of the day.

“What Is It?”

David Hudson states:

“In ancient Egypt, which I traced this back to, there’s a book, called The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani, by Budge. This is the oldest book of the dead, from Old Kingdom Egypt. They found it, dating from about 3500 B.C.E., in the tomb of Pepi II.

“It says, “I am purified of all imperfections. What is it? I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus. What is it? I pass by the immortals without dying. What is it? I come before my father in Heaven. What is it?”

“It goes on and on and on. It keeps asking this question, “What is it?” [or “What is this?”]

“The Hebrews worked in Egypt for many, many generations — they were the artisans and the metallurgists. When they left Egypt, Baalzelael, the goldsmith and Moses prepared the bread of the presence of God. He prepared the bread that the high priest partook of, the Melchizedek priest.

The word in Hebrew that means “What is it?” is manna. The word, manna, literally translates, verbatim, into a question, “What is it?” If you don’t believe it, look in the Travels of Josephus. The very same words that were used in Old Kingdom Egypt, 3500 B.C. [Pepi II reigned 90 years from c. 2300 to 2210 (traditional dating), or 1720 to 1630 (Immanuel Velikovsky’s dating).]

“These elements are naturally in your body. It’s primarily Rhodium and Iridium. Now the Bible says that Moses told the Hebrew people, “You have not kept the covenant, and so the manna is being taken from you. But it will come back in the end times. When we will be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood.” This is the food, the light, you take in your body.

“If you ask a Rabbi, have you ever heard of the white powder of gold, he’ll say yes, we’ve heard of it, but to our knowledge, no one has known how to make it since the destruction of the First Temple. The Temple of Solomon. This knowledge has been lost. But it wasn’t completely lost, the high priests when they left the temple when it was destroyed, went out on the desert and organized a commune called Qumran. They were the Essenes.

“In The Dead Seas Scrolls Uncovered [by Eisenman and Wise, they say that] when the white powder was mixed in water, was known as The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus. It was called, “That which issues from the mouth of the creator.” The spittle. Not the word of God, but the spittle. Or the semen of the father in heaven. If you put the white powder in water, it doesn’t dissolve. It forms this gelatinous suspension and looks just like a vial of semen.

“The symbolism of “prepare yourself like a bride in the bridal chamber”, purify and cleanse yourself, prepare yourself for the coming of the Father in heaven, to be inseminated by the father in heaven in the bridal chamber. To totally be regenerated, to be purified, to be cleansed. Every cell in your body will be taken back to the way it’s supposed to be, when you were a teenager or a child. It perfects the DNA. And it flows the light until you reach the point where the light body exceeds the physical body.

“In ancient Egypt, they said you have a physical body you must feed to grow as it’s meant to be. If you don’t feed that child, he’ll never grow. He’ll never become the person he’s supposed to be.

“But you also have to feed the spirit body, you have to feed the ka, what they called it in ancient Egypt — so it can grow and become what it’s meant to be. And most of you aren’t feeding your ka. It’s sitting there like a little runt inside your body. And they said you feed it and feed it and feed it with the semen of the father in heaven, and it grows and grows and becomes more enlightened and more enlightened, and you reach the point where the light body exceeds the physical body. You light up the room when you walk in.

“The gifts that go with this are: perfect telepathy, you can know good and evil when it’s in the room with you, you also can project your thoughts into someone else’s mind. You can levitate; you can walk on water because it’s flowing so much light within you that you don’t attract gravity. And when you understand that when you exclude all external magnetic fields, when you exclude gravity, you are no longer of this space-time. You become a fifth-dimensional being. You can think where you would like to be, and go there. Just disappear.

“You also have other attributes that they go into. You can heal by the laying on of hands, and can cleanse and resurrect the dead within two or three days after they died. You have so much energy that you can embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.”

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Have you ever wondered why a nomadic family was given a heavy piece, or pieces, of gold to carry with them through the desert? Is metallic gold really what the Three Wise Men brought baby Jesus?

Of course not. The Wise Men (or Biblical Magi) brought baby Jesus white powder gold, which he later used to levitate, walk on water, heal the sick, radiate light, and so much more.

As we can, too.

And presumably the gifts of frankincense and myrrh were intended to be used by Jesus to defend against archons, specifically, to defend against archon energetic parasitism.

For Laurence Gardner’s discussion of monoatomic gold, start at minute 3:53.
ORMUS | Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark | Laurence Gardner [FULL 480]

Have an archon-free, monoatomic day.

The Great Hologram

by Jock Doubleday
June 28, 2022

Real or Unreal?

To most people, saying that our universe is a hologram is equivalent to saying that the objects and beings inside of it are not real. But in fact, everything that exists inside the Great Hologram is as real as it needs to be to meet anyone’s criteria of “being real” or “having reality.”

How can this be? Because, in the universe as we know it, beings exhibit the characteristic of free will. Human beings, animals, plants, microbes act of their own accord. They choose among alternatives. They choose their paths, their destinies. Fictional (non-real) characters have no autonomy whatsoever. They are set in stone. But the real characters, beings, of our universe flow through life making choice after choice.

The Great Hologram harbors beings with free will. Because beings in the Great Hologram have free will, they are real.

Human Simulations

Just because we’re simulations doesn’t mean we don’t exist.

We do exist, and we exist as “airy nothing,” with only seeming solidity. Our seemingly solid (seemingly material) beings are images. While convincingly material, our bodies are substantial-image projections projected from within us by our transceiver chromosomes. Others (and we ourselves) interact with our body-projections (our “substantial-image” projections) as if they were solid “material” objects. Of course, all substantial-image projections really are material, when we come to understand that matter is frequential in nature. Human beings, trees, rocks, bacteria, stars are frequential material. Frequency is what there is. What we call matter is insensible frequency made sensible. Nikola Tesla wrote in 1930 that humankind’s greatest achievement would one day be learning how to extract material from what he called the “fluid ether” to build planets. He wrote this in an article titled, “Man’s Greatest Achievement,” and it was a restatement of what he had been writing for 30 years about the ether. “Whirling” the ether (insensible matter), said Tesla, creates sensible matter. Matter is ether in motion. When the ether’s motion stops, then the matter in question returns to the insensible (but still, technically, material) ether.

Andromedan contactee Alex Collier says, “We’re dealing with frequencies. All life, all physicality, is light, color, and sound. All of it. If you break it down to its smallest parts, what you will see is nothing but energy that is held together by the intent of its creator.” – Alex Collier (“Alex Collier Answers Your Questions – From Webinar #8 – March 18, 2016 – Question #9”)

Nikola Tesla said in 1942: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”


Where do the frequencies that compose life come from?

Life-blueprints are sent throughout our galaxy in scalar waves from the dark singularity at the center of our galaxy. (Every galaxy has a life-blueprint emanating dark singularity — not a “black hole” — at its center.)

These ready-made blueprints for life are picked up by the chromosomes in our DNA. (Chromosomes are in the shape of X’s because chromosomes are antennae. Chromosomes were designed to receive and transmit scalar wave-carried blueprints.) Because the chromosomes in our DNA both receive and transmit life-blueprints, our chromosomes can be said to act as transceivers. Our chromosomes re-broadcast our life-blueprint as a local field, and then this field is perceived as, and interacted with as, a solid body.

The seeming solidity of the human body, and of the bodies of all living and nonliving things, which we perceive most convincingly through touch, is created by electrical forces. The coherent, sensibly solid, sensibly “there” substantial-image is an electrical field, a force generated by our antennae-shaped chromosome receiver-transmitters.

Is electrical force matter? Not in the way we understand it. But electrical force can be convincing as matter — when it is projected as a substantial-image.

The Ether and Scalar Waves

What are the scalar waves that carry life-blueprints for substantial-image projection, and how do scalar waves propagate, if, as academia tells us, space is “just a void”?

(video: start minute 1:13:48)
EP 168 – Jock Doubleday – Ancient Alternative History
The Bosnian Pyramid Complex – A Hollow Earth” (January 25, 2022)

Jock Doubleday: “Scalar energy — torsion fields, Tesla’s non-Hertzian waves — connects to the ether in this way.”

“[Serbian electrical engineer] Goran Marjanovich said that scalar energy is like an accordion player. So, let’s say that I’m the scalar energy, and I’m playing the etheric accordion. So the ether is the accordion, and I’m compressing the accordion and rarefying the accordion. So it’s a volumetric expansion and compression which scalar energy is doing to the ether.

“So if you go into Astrophysics — the premises in astrophysics, and in earth sciences, are corrupted, so everything that follows is corrupted. . . .

“The Indian, the Veda, philosophy is that the universe is a ‘breathing regime,’ they call it. So the universe is breathing. Why is it breathing? Well, because, as science has found — real science, Tesla science, Goran Marjanovich Serbian electrical engineer science, he’s furthering Tesla’s work — the universe is breathing because scalar energy is compressing and rarefying it.

“And you have an instant connection [through the fabric of the ether]. Just like, if you pull a sheet, the other side of the sheet is not waiting for some time to elapse. It’s instantly affected. So the universe is connected. And [academia] calls it ‘quantum entanglement’ or ‘something at a distance,’ what’s it called?” . . .

Aaron Kuhn: “‘Spooky action at a distance’? Einstein?”

Jock Doubleday: “Yeah, something like that. [Exactly that.] But [academia has] gotten rid of the ether! So, they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s so mystical [that particles on this side of the galaxy can affect particles on that side of the galaxy].’ No, it’s not. You don’t need mathematical formulas. You just need to bring Tesla’s ether back, and you have a medium that’s being volumetrically compressed and rarefied by scalar energy.

“So there’s this beautiful relationship between [the ether and] scalar energy — which has the blueprint for all life, by the way. . . .

“Academia is telling us, in another gaslighting bunch of nonsense, that at the center of each galaxy is a star-sucking demon called a ‘black hole.’ Ken Rohla says it’s a singularity that’s dark, not because it’s pulling in all light, but because it’s streaming out light that’s superluminal light, which we can’t see because it’s dark . . . We can’t see the superluminal light. It’s traveling much, much, much, much faster than our standard speed of light. The light from the sun is traveling at the speed of light that we understand. . . . We can’t see the superluminal light — or the scalar energy which has the blueprints for all life it it — coming from the center of the galaxy. And each galaxy has this singularity that is feeding us with blueprints.

“Our chromosomes are antennae that are picking up the blueprint information from the scalar waves coming from the singularity at the center of the galaxy, and re-broadcasting it. So chromosomes are transceivers: They’re receiving the scalar blueprints for life, and they’re re-broadcasting it in a field that we call ‘matter,’ because it seems like solid matter is condensing. But if you put an electron microscope up to us, or a microscope that can really, really see how material we are, it turns out we’re not material. We’re just — there’s nothing there.

“So, really, it’s a field, it’s a re-broadcast field that we see as, and we interact with as, ‘solid.’ But it’s not really a solid thing. It’s just a different phase-change of the scalar energy-blueprint manifested field.”

Beyond a Video Game

I think it’s important that we don’t automatically jump from the idea of a universal hologram to the idea that we are “just characters in a video game.”

If we use the video game analogy, we must acknowledge that, however we were created, we were created, like all life-forms, as free beings. That is, upon our creation, we were given free will. If we have free will, then the Great Hologram goes beyond the limits of a video game and takes on all of the necessary qualities of reality.

Holographic Builders of Holographic Terra

Inside the hologram that is our universe, real beings exist. These real beings are holographic. Some of these holographic beings are what we call “advanced” beings.

These advanced holographic beings — whom we call, variously, “E.T.s,” “advanced races,” “our Star Family,” etc. — have created, and continue to create, holographic planets that sustain holographic algae, and holographic plant life that sustains holographic animal life.

The builders of Terra exist in the same holographic matrix that we do and that Terra does. That is, the planet-builders themselves are holographic. As holographic beings with free will (that is, as real beings), they make their way through the universe building planets.

What we call “crystalline material” is the main frequency material of our planet hologram.

Holographic Terra Anomalies

One of the things I think about when I’m out doing field research on Terra’s artificial crystalline continents is the relationship between the Great Hologram and the built continents.

Terra was built in stages. The terraforming stage, in which mountains, valleys, riverbeds, and creek beds were built — was itself divided into multiple stages.

Why did the Ancients build the continents section by section, using vertical section-seam construction, when, if everything is part of a Great Hologram, the Ancients could simply have magicked the continental features into being as seamless holographic wholes?

In other words, if the Ancients were going to build Stage Set Earth (Holographic Earth), making the continents look like they were composed of natural geological features (mountains, valleys, rivers, etc.), why not make the stage set fully convincing by making the construction seamless? Why show us the obvious construction of the stage set by leaving vertical seams in their concrete, seams that transverse many different layers of material and which therefore falsify the geological theory?

Let’s work together toward the answers.

4D-printed Earth?

How exactly did the planet-builders build Terra? Here’s one possibility.

Jock Doubleday: “For 50 years, we’ve been doing 3D printing. And we went from printing a little thing that looked like a little nothing thingamabob that’s about 2 centimeters long, that did nothing, to printing bridge and houses. So, we have accelerated our ability, technologically, in 3D printing that far in only 50 years.

“Now, we are also doing 4D printing, which is printing of objects that adapt to their environment — for instance, heat and cold. Now, you get to thinking about this, and you go, ‘Wait a minute, isn’t an organism adapting to its environment? Isn’t the earth adapting to its environment with climate? Isn’t that what climate is, the adaptation of the earth to its environment as it spins around the sun? Solar winds are coming in. . . . So, it’s adapting to its environment with climate. . . . Adaptation is the mark of something that’s living, that’s got an internal intelligence, let’s say.

“So, we’re already 4D printing objects in 50 years? What could a civilization do if they had 50 million years to advance their 3D and 4D printing? What couldn’t they do?”

(start minute 56:03)
“EP 168 – Jock Doubleday – Ancient Alternative History – The Bosnian Pyramid Complex – A Hollow Earth”

Was the Hologram Created?

Does acknowledging the fact of a universal hologram, what I call the Great Hologram, mean that we must also acknowledge that there is a creator of the universal hologram?

Not necessarily. The Great Hologram could have been created, or it could simply have always existed. This subject needs to be explored by open minds. Virtually all Rockefeller university-educated persons have what must be call “closed minds,” which has always been the purpose of Rockefeller-controlled education in the U.S. and Rothschild-controlled education in Europe and elsewhere.

Another question: Is our universe the only universe? If not, then how many universes are there, how different are they from our universe, and is it possible we travel from universe to universe?

Let’s pursue these matters with diligence.


In the Great Hologram, all beings have free will, and therefore all beings are real.

Will our free will necessarily manifest? No. Our free will must act within the limitations of our bodies and our environment.

Is frequency the foundation of all? Possibly. Can we find the answer to that question and to any others we might have? Probably.

Certainly, we have the free will to pursue them.

* * *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as the official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s latest articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at His earliest articles can be found at His Bosnian archaeology videos can be found on the BosnianPyramids Youtube channel. His continental terraforming videos and other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. His book-in-progress, “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, write

Further Research

“A 10,000,000-Year Timeline War between Reptilians (Draco) and Humans (Anshar)”

“Moon landing: Real or fiction?”

Full Disclosure: “Waiting for the Hollow Moon: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Off-World Relatives”

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay?

“The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

The beautiful and important Piri Reis map – the fragment that survives – was created on gazelle skin parchment. I’m not a math guy, particularly, but I did some basic research on the subject of map projections to investigate the truth about the claims of authenticity of the Piri Reis map. I did two days of research on the subject. This was two days that Robert Milton Schoch was unable or unwilling to spend preparing material for his book “Voices of the Rocks,” in which he (quite oddly) claims that the Piri Reis map is not authentic but, with Wikipedia, instead claims that the lower portion of South America is bent round to fit the parchment. In other words, Dr. Schoch claims that a Turkish admiral, competent to navigate and sail the ancient seas, was too stupid to find a piece of parchment big enough for his map. Let’s continue to do basic research that orthodoxical researchers can’t or won’t do – to get to the basic truths about humanity’s past on Earth. “. . . the reason the lower part of South America is curved to the east on the left-hand lower corner of the map, and the reason that the continent of Antarctica looks as if it might be South America’s extended tip at the bottom center of the map, is that Piri Reis used an azimuthal equidistant projection, a sophisticated cartographic method that gives more accurate relative continent sizes than the modern standard of cylindrical projection, which unnaturally enlarges polar-region continents.”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

“Spontaneous archaeology on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

“The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?”

“No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Baked, Textured, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″
Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones — inclined by their creators into a built hill — in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?”Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology”

“At the bottom of the Rabbit Hole there are tunnels.”

Terra’s Ancient Pyramids Comprise a Space Positioning System (S.P.S.) for Space Travelers

by Jock Doubleday
June 3, 2022

Long ago, Terra’s multiform landscapes were brought into being by a truly advanced, and truly benevolent, race.

After the crystalline continents were constructed by the sectioning and layering of different mineral recipes of concrete, the giant land-forms lay stretched out as far as the eye could see, barren of life, for an unknown period of time. The short video below offers an idea of how the continents may have looked for ages without measure.

In Canyonands, Utah, U.S. is a feature called “the Black Crack” by our esteemed university geologists. In fact, this gap is not a natural crack but a space between two sections of ancient artificial concrete.

Why has no one has seen the artificiality of the continents? Because our esteemed university professors, and all teachers in all Terran sciences, labor under a false premise. Earth Sciences professors believe 1) that Homo sapiens sapiens is the first advanced race in the universe and 2), since we know that Homo sapiens sapiens didn’t build the continents, the continents must have come into existence by natural forces.

Life Happened

But history is long, and much has happened since the building of Terra’s stark mineral landscapes. What happened? Life.

It is not known with certainty how life arose on the cheerless mineral ball known to ancient planetary engineers as Terra. However, we can reasonably conjecture that life, having arisen, was sustained by life-giving crystalline minerals incorporated into the continents by a race advanced enough to understand that, without the crystalline continents, there would never be a biosphere.

Living Crystalline Landscapes

The continent builders used crystalline material to make Terra’s continents because they knew that crystalline material would support a flourishing biosphere. How, exactly, does crystalline material support life? By being life.

Nikola Tesla wrote in 1900: “In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” (Nikola Tesla, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special References to the Harnessing of the Sun’s Energy,” Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900)

The Ancients knew that living crystalline concrete continents would give life, both to the organisms that arose naturally on the planet, and to the organisms that were brought here by enterprising civilizations.

Both natural and artificial aspects of life’s history on and in Terra will be engaged in an article titled, “Terrarium Terra: The Surprising History of Life on a Popular Planet.”

The True Ancients knew that only crystalline continents that would give algae and plants the necessary nutrients to exist, so that a diverse biosphere could thrive on Terra.

The Capabilities of Crystal

One might ask why the composition of continents is given first consideration in an article about a Space Positioning System.

The answer is that the later advanced races who built pyramids on Terra, to channel and amplify scalar energy, used the continent builders’ original crystalline concrete material to build those pyramids. The Ancients created building blocks cast from powdered minerals taken from the True Ancients’ crystalline landscapes, and those building blocks were used to build scalar-beacon pyramids whispering, Terra, Terra, Terra, through the long night.

It was the continental-origin crystalline material that allowed pyramids to have a scalar signal.

The pyramid builders understood that what we call 1) the Casimir effect and 2) the piezoelectric effect would be created by pyramid geometry-shaped crystalline structures. Ken Rohla talks in detail about pyramids, the Casimir effect, and the piezoelectric effect:

“One of the reasons why mainstream archaeologists and geologists look at these pyramids [in Bosnia] and don’t think that they are man-made is because they don’t have a background in scalar physics. So, they don’t recognize that the structures within these things are exactly what you would do if you wanted to build a scalar energy device. . . .

Ken Rohla talks about pyramids as scalar wave generators (start minute 8:13).

“In the case of these pyramids, when you’ve got this huge scale of a mountain-sized pyramid, and you’ve got these pebbles, and they’re all packed closely together with clay around them . . . Clay, by the way, is very high in monoatomic minerals. Monoatomic minerals also are like scalar antennas, at a microscopic level. They also exude scalar energy. So you’ve got this medium, like the resin in orgonite, around all these pebbles. And that combination of the [close] proximity of those pebbles creates the Casimir Effect [which creates scalar waves].

“The clay itself is creating scalar fields. And so, when you put that under pressure, that amplifies it. Because there is something called the piezoelectric effect, which basically is, you smack a piece of crystal, particularly quartz, and it will shoot out electricity. . . . Instead of hitting the crystal, if you just squeeze on it, that creates scalar waves. That’s part of the piezoelectric effect. . . . The reason the piezoelectric effect occurs is because these minerals contain these superconducting monoatomic elements. In rocks, they’re not always superconducting, but under special circumstances they are.

“So, when you squeeze on these rocks or crystals, instead of creating electricity, it creates scalar waves. So you’ve got this giant mountain, with all these pebbles close together, surrounded by clay, which is all high in monoatomics, and then you put it under pressure from the weight of the pyramid and the soil weighing down — you’ve got a massive scalar wave generator.” – Ken Rohla

If the True Ancients had not created specifically crystalline continents, the Ancients who came after would not have had the necessary material to powder, mix with water, cast into blocks, and build pyramids.

Not only the Ancients’ pyramids, but the True Ancients’ mountains, are scalar wave channelers and amplifiers. Mountains are nature’s pyramids, which is why mountains often have spring water pouring out of them thousands of feet above sea level. All mountains, and all pyramids, are water pumps, because scalar energy easily brings heavy water upward against the gravitational pull of the planet.

video: Ken Rohla gives a talk on the astonishing power of scalar pyramids and scalar mountains.

The capabilities of crystal are vast, and we will see that the Space Positioning System depended entirely on the intrinsic power of crystals. But before we do that, let’s turn to Terra’s Global Positioning System.

Global Positioning System (G.P.S.)

Radio Waves

Terra’s Global Positioning System uses radio waves to give us our location on the known surface of Toroid Terra (the “Hollow Earth“).

In the skies above the planet we call Earth and off-worlders call Terra, Homo sapiens sapiens has created a Global Positioning System (G.P.S.). The G.P.S. system assists Terra-surface (terrestrial) travelers by using radio waves to pinpoint travelers’ locations.

What is the method that G.P.S. devices use to locate a specific point on Terra? The location process is called trilateration. Trilateration measures radio waves. Specifically, trilateration measures radio wave distances, the lengths of radio waves’ journey to satellites orbiting earth. To trilaterate, a G.P.S. receiver (such as your cell phone) measures and compares radio wave distances to at least three orbiting satellites.

Trilateration is similar to triangulation. However, triangulation uses radio wave-source angles to pinpoint a location on Terra’s surface. Triangulation is depicted in the illustration below.

Triangulation uses radio wave-source angles to pinpoint a terrestrial location. Trilateration measures radio wave lengths to do the same. Illustration by Tim Gunther, National Geographic.

Space Positioning System (S.P.S.)

Scalar Waves

Humanity uses rather slow, but still useful, terrestrial-origin radio waves to assist Terra-surface travelers on Toroid Terra.

The pyramid-building Ancients, on the other hand, use instantaneous planetary-origin, pyramid-origin, scalar waves to assist travelers braving the Construct that we call space. (See my upcoming article, “The Great Hologram,” for a discussion of the holographic construct that we call “the universe.” Don’t worry, everything’s real inside the Universal Hologram.)

28 kilohertz, repeating-ellipsoid, double-helix beam above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (artist’s rendering).

We know that ancient pyramids were, and still are, energy machines, not tombs for kings and queens. What kind of energy do pyramids produce?

Serbian electrical engineer states in an impromptu interview on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (in a video titled “Pyramids as Resonance Objects“), that pyramids don’t actually produce energy but channel and amplify cosmic energy flows and planetary energy flows.

In this article, we propose that planets throughout the galaxies are bases, foundations, for an always-operational pyramidal system that channels and amplifies cosmic energy and Terran energy. We propose that the pyramid grid on Terra comprises our planet’s small contribution to an intergalactic (not just intragalactic) Space Positioning System (S.P.S.) for space travelers.

Scalar energy is the key to the Space Positioning System. The multi-planet, multi-galaxy, Space Positioning System uses planet-based pyramids to generate billions-of-times-faster-than-light scalar wave signals. (Note: “Speed” is not really an appropriate word to use to describe scalar waves, as their speed is 20 billion times faster than the speed of light, or faster, up to a speed that is infinitely fast. If scalar waves’ speed can be infinitely fast, then we’re not talking about speed, anymore. We’re talking about instantaneousness.)

Each ancient Terran pyramid’s scalar signal, we propose, is 1) unique and 2) continuous. Therefore, each pyramid’s scalar signal is recognizable by the race that built that particular crystalline pyramid.

“Signal” vs. “Beam

Cast crystalline-block pyramids send “rolling wave”-form electrical beams spiraling out of their tops. Scalar waves, on the other hand, says electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich, do not take beam form. Instead, scalar waves are volumetric.

As volumetric forms, scalar waves act upon the ether (which is everywhere) in a fascinating way. Scalar waves compress and rarefy the ether, in the same way that an accordion player compresses and rarefies an accordion. Goran Marjanovich states: “Tesla waves (scalar waves) have a volumetric form of vibration. This volumetric vibration is the compression and rarefying of ether, which means that vibrations are taking place in what both Tesla and the Sankhya Karika of the Vedic scriptures called a ‘breathing regime.'”

By compressing and rarefying the ether, scalar waves metaphorically breathe the universe.

In this interview on January 25, 2022, Jock Doubleday offers a detailed discussion of the relationship of scalar waves and Tesla’s ether, in addition to in-depth analysis of field research evidence demonstrating that Terra’s continents were built.

But scalar waves can do more than “breathe the universe.” They can instantaneously give space travelers their location in the vastness of the Great Out There.

What Do Volumetric Scalar Waves Mean for the Space Positioning System?

The problem with using electromagnetic beams for a Space Positioning System is that such beams are accessible only when a space traveler flies across the beam’s path, an exceedingly improbable occurrence.

On the other hand, scalar waves, channeled and magnified by crystalline-block pyramids, exist as standing waves, Tesla’s non-Hertzian waves, reaching out infinitely far in every moment. The literal universal omnipresence of any and all scalar wave signals is an ideal foundation for a Space Positioning System. A pyramid-based scalar signal, being volumetric, is accessible instantaneously at any point in the universe.

Space, the Great Out There.
Photo credit: NASA.

The next problem Ancient pyramid builders had to solve was to make sure that their particular pyramid’s signal was unique among the signals of the 100,000+ pyramids on Terra’s surface, and also unique among the uncounted pyramids across the wide, deep, star-sparse universe. How the Ancients managed the feat of creating uniqueness of signal for each and every pyramid-based scalar beacon is unknown.

Once the problem of uniqueness of signal was solved, the pyramid-building Ancients needed to solve another problem. On their space journeys, how would the Ancients trilaterate non-beam-form (directionless, volumetric) scalar signals? Electromagnetic (beam-form) waves could easily be trilaterated. A beam form gives direction. But how would volumetric scalar beacon signals be measured and compared, when those scalar signals were, each and every one of them, omnipresent throughout space? A clear conundrum.

However, the answer was clear to the Ancients who understood the the unusual character of scalar energy. The answer lay in the strength of each planetary-origin scalar beacon’s signal.

Nikola Tesla told us that non-Hertzian waves (scalar waves, standing waves, torsion fields) paradoxically get stronger as they leave the source, in stark contrast to electromagnetic waves, which get weaker as they leave the source.

Nikola Tesla worked with non-Hertzian waves, which paradoxically get stronger as they leave the source.

Therefore, if a planetary-origin scalar signal is strong compared to other planets’ pyramids’ scalar signals, then space travelers know that their spaceship’s position in space is relatively far from that planet. If, on the other hand, a planetary-origin scalar signal is weak compared to other planets’ pyramids’ signals, then space travelers know that they are relatively near to that planet. In this way, space travelers are measuring, not the length of a scalar beacon’s signal, but the strength of that signals, a new kind of trilateration.

It is proposed in this article that pyramid-building, space-journeying Ancients used ship-based computers constantly to monitor (receive, measure, and compare) the strengths of planetary-origin unique scalar signals, to find their ships exact location, instantaneously, in space.

In Conclusion

The crystalline continents were built by the True Ancients to sustain life. The True Ancients were master engineers, master architects, master builders, and, we can state with confidence, master gardeners.

But the True Ancients weren’t just master gardeners. They were master Space Position System planners.

The advanced races that we call “the Ancients” created pyramid-geometry structures out of blocks cast from powdered minerals taken from the original crystalline landscapes built by the True Ancients. The Ancients built pyramids as part of a Space Positioning System (S.P.S.), a navigation system for advanced space-faring civilizations. Every advanced race who visited our planet built its own pyramidal scalar beacon with its own unique signal whispering, “Terra, Terra, Terra, Terra . . .” day and night, year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium.

By trilaterating the strengths of scalar signals from 1) pyramids on planets in our solar system, as well as 2) pyramids on planets in other solar systems, space travelers could know, instantaneously, their position in space.

* * *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as the official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s latest articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at His earliest articles can be found at His Bosnian archaeology videos can be found on the BosnianPyramids Youtube channel. His continental terraforming videos and other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. His book-in-progress, “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, write

Further Research

“A 10,000,000-Year Timeline War between Reptilians (Draco) and Humans (Anshar)”

“Moon landing: Real or fiction?”

Full Disclosure: “Waiting for the Hollow Moon: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Off-World Relatives”

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay?
“The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

The beautiful and important Piri Reis map – the fragment that survives – was created on gazelle skin parchment. I’m not a math guy, particularly, but I did some basic research on the subject of map projections to investigate the truth about the claims of authenticity of the Piri Reis map. I did two days of research on the subject. This was two days that Robert Milton Schoch was unable or unwilling to spend in preparing material for his book “Voices of the Rocks,” in which he (quite oddly) claims that the Piri Reis map is not authentic but, with Wikipedia, claims instead that the lower portion of South America is “bent round” to fit the parchment. In other words, Dr. Schoch claims that a Turkish admiral, competent to navigate and sail the ancient seas, was too stupid to find a piece of parchment big enough for his map. Let’s continue to do basic research that orthodoxical researchers can’t or won’t do – to get to the basic truths about humanity’s past on Earth. “. . . the reason the lower part of South America is curved to the east on the left-hand lower corner of the map, and the reason that the continent of Antarctica looks as if it might be South America’s extended tip at the bottom center of the map, is that Piri Reis used an azimuthal equidistant projection, a sophisticated cartographic method that gives more accurate relative continent sizes than the modern standard of cylindrical projection, which unnaturally enlarges polar-region continents.”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

“Spontaneous archaeology on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

“The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?”

“No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Baked, Textured, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″
Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones — inclined by their creators into a built hill — in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?”Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology”

Bicameral Stone: Crystalline Concrete Duoliths around the World Are Electrical Capacitors Gathering and Storing Energy

by Jock Doubleday
September 18, 2021

Crystalline concrete duoliths around the world: Petra, Jordan (left); Montana, U.S. (center); Saudi Arabia (upper right); Colorado, U.S. (lower right).

Let’s engage the Ancients.

The Ancients

The Ancients were industrious. They really liked to work. And they created beautiful, laboriously constructed structures all across the earth.

Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England); Chocolate Hills (Philippines); Great Pyramid (Egypt).

Who were the Ancients who built megalithic structures across the planet? What was their plan? What were their structures for?

They were for something, yes?

To bring clarity to our notion of who the Ancients were, to narrow down our options in our search for the identity of the advanced race or races who built astonishing megalithic structures across the Earth, let’s begin by looking at what university experts call the Ancients.

The “Distant Past” (as Measured in Bones)

When professors of anthropology speak of the distant past, they are likely referring to the dawn of biological humanity on our planet. This ambiguous dawn occurred in one of two periods in the past, depending upon whom you talk to.

Some learned academic folk say that humans appeared approximately 7.2 million years ago, with the appearance in Greece and Bulgaria of the first bipedal hominids.

Some learned academic folk say that humans appeared 300,000-350,000 years ago, with the appearance in Morocco of the first so-called modern humans.

The first “modern human.” (Composite image of the remains of the earliest Homo sapiens skulls found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco.)

Were either the first bipedal hominids or the first modern humans conceiving, engineering, and building giant megalithic structures? They were not. How do we know? 1) Insufficient labor forces, 2) insufficient technology, and 3) insufficient motive.

Thus, although both newly bipedal hominids and newly braincased Homo sapiens appear on Earth quite far back in the past, they are not those Ancients whose monumental legacy comprises sophisticated, mysterious, and back-breakingly heavy crystalline structures across our great Mother-Sphere, Earth, whom some call Gaia, or Terra.

The “Distant Past” (as Measured in Grandmothers)

When professors of ancient history speak of the distant past, they are likely referring to periods of time a mere several thousand years ago, when the so-called ancient Greeks, the so-called ancient Romans, the so-called ancient Egyptians, and the so-called ancient Sumerians lived.

Is it odd to you that these various peoples should be referred to as “ancient”? The civilizations of the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans flourished a mere 100-150 generations ago — or, we could say, 100-150 grandmothers ago. Ancient Egypt appeared 255 grandmothers ago. Sumer itself appeared, literally out of nowhere, 325 grandmothers ago.

How many grandmothers into the past were “ancient peoples”? A few hundred, at most.

When we look at history in terms of grandmothers, we come to understand that the so-called “ancient peoples” of university Ancient History courses are not ancient by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, we can reasonably speculate that these “ancient” peoples were just like us. Are we building pyramids and dolmens and duoliths and tumuli, using blocks so heavy that our biggest cranes can barely lift them? We are not. And neither were they.

But what about the huge pyramids on the Giza Plateau? Surely the ancient Egyptians built those?

The “Ancient” “Egyptians”

The story of ancient Egypt, as told by academia, is a gossamer fairy tale shimmering like a mirage in a crystalline desert. It is a tale meant to entrance, and frankly to infantilize, generations of students. The truth about Egypt is something quite different from schoolbook fairy tales.

King Akhenaten.

Although the mummies of neither King Akhenaten nor Queen Nefertiti have been found, their physiology was captured in reliefs during their reign. In modern times, their respective physical forms have been rendered, by various artists, based on artistic depictions of them in their time.

Please note Akhenaten’s elongated skull, which academia calls 1) a headdress covering a normal-sized skull or 2) the result of a rare cranial-distortion condition called craniosynostosis. (For some reason, no one ever mentions the children’s elongated skulls, depicted with the same non-human proportions.)

What is this craniosynostosis with which “experts” have diagnosed pharaonic families? It is a birth defect that results in a differently shaped, but not elongated, skull.

Although the rare cranial-distortion condition, craniosynostosis, can widen the skull slightly, it does not elongate it. In fact, it has the opposite effect, flattening it toward the shoulders. Yet, craniosynostosis is the academic “expert” diagnosis of elongated skulls in the royal families of ancient Egypt.

Academic “experts” also suggest that pharaonic family skulls, and other elongated skulls found around the world, notably in Peru and Bolivia, are the result of purposeful cranial deformation, that is, dolichocephaly.

Head-binding of children’s soft, pliable skulls is practiced around the world. Please note that, although the skull in this photo has been elongated, it has not been enlarged. There has never been an instance of a skull of the species Homo sapiens sapiens that has been purposely enlarged. To be very clear, there has never been an instance of a skull of the species Homo sapiens sapiens that compares in size to the huge skulls of the pharaonic families or to the huge skulls of members of other nonhuman races who have come to Earth.

Interestingly, purposeful cranial deformation (elongation of soft, young human skulls using pressure techniques), also known as head-binding, has been practiced for thousands of years among various human cultures.

We must ask ourselves why tribal peoples around the world are trying to elongate their skulls? Could it be because they are endeavoring to emulate E.T. races who came to Earth with high technology (“magic”) and, in some cases, wisdom?

But let’s return to the evocative rulers of “ancient” Egypt.

Academia calls Nefertiti’s elongated skull a “headdress.” Why are queens and kings of blistering-hot Egypt wearing enclosed headdresses?

An Elongated-Skull, Potbellied, Big-Hipped, Nonhuman Race

The “pharaohs” and their families were members of an extraterrestrial race whose individuals possessed an elongated-skull, a very tall, very thin body, large thighs, and a small but obvious potbelly. Nor can we miss Nefertiti’s sloping shoulders. Do queens stand with sloping shoulders? They do if they are supporting a forward-reaching neck that is doing its best to balance a massively elongated skull with a heavy brain within.

The forward-reaching neck and sloped shoulders of the famous Queen Nefertiti.

Did you notice King Akhenaten’s feminine features?

Feminine hips and thighs grace the bodies of “ancient” Egyptian “kings.” Also, please note this king’s high feminine waist.

It is a rare thing to see a modern human male with feminine thighs and hips. Also, these few feminine males are always large throughout the torso and chest areas, while Akhenaten’s torso and chest are exceedingly thin. Further, the king has a high feminine waist — literally unheard of in Homo sapiens sapiens males.

Below is a member of Rockefeller-controlled academia trying to explain an ancient king’s feminine features. (Prepare for comedy.)

* * *

The feminine features and elongated head of ancient Egypt’s King Akhenaten may be attributed to two genetic defects called aromatose excess syndrome and craniosynostosis, said Yale School of Medicine dermatology professor Irwin Braverman, M.D. Because no mummy of Akhenaten exists, Braverman used only artwork of the ancient pharaoh to make his medical diagnosis. He presented his theories during the 14th annual Historical Clinicopathological Conference (CPC) at University of Maryland Medical School. Akhenaten, a pharaoh during Egypt’s 18th Dynasty credited with starting the practice of worshipping one God, fathered six children. He was often portrayed in sculptures and carvings with a thin neck, elongated head, large buttocks, breasts, and even a prominent belly, suggesting pregnancy. It may be possible to confirm his diagnoses, Braverman said, by conducting genetic tests on the five relevant mummies of Akhenaten’s relatives. ‘DNA taken from the bone marrow could reveal the presence of the gene defects,’ he said. Aromatose excess syndrome can lead to feminine features in men and advanced sexual development in girls. Akhenaten’s daughters are depicted with breasts at age three and seven in some carvings. Braverman explains that Akhenaten’s elongated head could be due to the gene defect causing craniosynostosis, in which the fibrous joints of the head fuse at an early age and disrupt the process of skull formation. Braverman said that a number of Akhenaten’s relatives — including his daughters, and two other 18th-Dynasty rulers, Queen Hatshepsut and King Tut — all had cranial abnormalities that mimicked craniosynostosis. Akhenaten’s feminine physical attributes have yet to be fully explained, but Braverman urges Egyptologists to explore his theory.”
“Pharaoh’s Unusual Feminine Appearance Suggests Two Gene Defects”

* * *

The Rockefellers can always count on Yale, that eternal bastion of lies, to control the narrative. Which narrative? Whichever narrative needs controlling — in this case, the obvious fact that the “pharaohs” and their families were nonhuman.

Exodus from Tiamat

Who were the elongated-skull, feminine-hipped, feminine-waisted, pot-bellied pharaohs and their families?

They were royal refugees from the planet Tiamat, a “super-Earth” that once inhabited our solar system and which was completely demolished (blown up) in a war between highly advanced extraterrestrial races. (Not advanced enough to practice peace, though.)

A super-Earth called Tiamat once inhabited the orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Its remaining fragments are called “the Asteroid Belt” by academia. They are, in fact, the remains of Tiamat.

The planetary fragments of Tiamat, compose what academia labels, without supporting evidence, “the Asteroid Belt.” The obvious truth, and the scientific truth, is that the orbit between Mars and Jupiter is occupied, not by asteroids captured by the sun’s gravity, nor by nebular “space junk” left over from “planetary formation,” but by planetary fragments, the cold crystalline bones of the once-beautiful, and once-living, Tiamat. It is possible that Earth’s “40 days and nights of rain” were from Tiamat’s water raining down from space after it had exploded.

As their planet exploded and their people died in ignorance and pain, the in-the-know, spaceship-equipped Tiamat royals sped away. After a series of events too long to go into, they eventually crash-landed in Antarctica. From there, they made their way to Cairo.

In Cairo, the lucky royal refugees found giant pyramids built by a sophisticated, and truly ancient, race. The pyramids stood upon a plateau, which itself had been built in truly ancient times — for the purpose of protecting the pyramids from Nile River flooding and, indeed, from global flooding.

The Tiamat royals liked the locale. Used to being in charge, they enslaved the humans they found in Cairo and for centuries played the Game of Kings.

The elongated-skull “pharaohs” did not build, or commission anyone to build, or order anyone to build, or suggest to anyone to build, the giant pyramids on the Giza Plateau. The “pharaohs” (E.T. monsters) ordered humans to build much smaller replicas of the giant pyramids that were already there.

The smaller pyramids on the Giza Plateau, already crumbling due to poor engineering and poor workmanship, were built by slaves of the elongated-skull Tiamat humanoids, known to academia as “the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.”

These crappy replicas, engineered by “pharaoh” incompetents and quarried and tossed together by unhappy slaves, are already crumbling, while the larger pyramids built by a benevolent and truly advanced race in the truly distant past, stand strong.

Tiny pyramids built by human slaves working under the lash of the engineering-challenged, Tiamat-origin “pharaohs” slowly crumble in the shadows of the sophisticated giant pyramids built by a truly advanced and truly ancient race.

Because members of the Tiamat race possessed a much larger brain than the brain of members of Homo sapiens sapiens, and because members of the Tiamat race were in possession of high technology, they believed they had the right to rule our forebears.

The Tiamat humanoids were certainly the most evil humanoid race humanity has ever known, enslaving generations of humankind for dire purposes. The Tiamat royals have worked with the Draco (a formidable reptilian race) to enslave and kill people for thousands of years.

Some Tiamat royal refugees still live in the Vatican and continue to rule humanity through the Rothschild family — although this is changing in 2021, as the Alliance works its way through the Rothschild Luciferians like a gleaming silver knife cutting through putrid butter. This purifying knife will soon reach the E.T. cow herself, though she hides in dark catacombs.

Elongated Skull Races on Earth

Many elongated-skull races have inhabited Earth. Some of these races have been benevolent, some have been negative. Many walked as giants on a much smaller Earth in the distant past.

Sixty-five millions years ago, Earth was the size of Mars. Our planet therefore had much lower gravity, which allowed megafauna, including giant humans, to flourish. None of the giant dinosaurs could walk, or even move, in today’s higher gravity on our continually expanding Earth.

I call Earth’s history “a mosh pit of advanced races.”

Of course, because many advanced races visited and lived on Earth, some of these races’ members died here. Elongated-skull races on Earth were not immortals. They died as we die, though their lifespans were likely much longer than our lifespans.

We are just at the beginning of the cataloguing process in regard to elongated-skull races who have inhabited this planet. But we can say with assurance that “a plethora of unusual heads” has been discovered across the globe. Of course, it must be admitted that our own much smaller head seems to be the odd one out.

Was our relatively small cranium purposely genetically engineered by super-smart, elongated-skull races? Were we created to be small-brained and therefore easily manipulated?

Were elongated-skull races the Ancients who built megalithic structures across the planet? We do not know, at this time, which, if any, of the elongated-skull races built long-lasting crystalline megalithic structures on Earth.

We can rule out the “pharaohs” as builders of anything significant. They came to rule, not to build. They came to deface, to destroy. See their destruction of the Great Sphinx’s beautiful lion head, above.

Academia, created in modern times to suppress knowledge, not to engage it, is ***desperate*** for you to believe that “pharaohs” enlisted slaves to build gargantuan pyramid-shaped tombs for their “much-loved” kings. This academic fairy tale is literally stated as fact in the vaunted hall of academia.

But the truth is something quite different.

We know who built the larger pyramids on the Giza Plateau, as well as the plateau itself. This race was not, and is not, an elongated-skull race, but a bipedal “bird” race known to themselves as Ra and to us as the Blue Avians.

The Blue Avians

Depiction of a member of the Blue Avian race, or Ra, the race that built the larger pyramids on the Giza Plateau, as well as the plateau itself.

Over the span of several decades, bestselling author, David Wilcock, has laboriously cross-reference testimonials of Secret Space Program insiders. When the information in one insider’s testimonial matches the information in another insider’s testimonial, this matching is taken as corroboration (verification of the truth) of the facts in question.

Let’s see what David’s insiders have to say about the Blue Avians.

* * *

David Wilcock: “. . . another huge category of information, which is what has been referred to as the Ancient Builder Race. . . . For many years, I have found connections between what the [Secret Space Program] insiders are telling me about the Secret Space Program and a unique body of material called The Law of One.

“The Law of One material claims to have been generated by extraterrestrials through a [human] telepathic communication. . . .

It’s been 40 years, and you’ve never heard of The Law of One.

The source [group] of The Law of One claims that it originated on the planet Venus when it was Earth-like. They are similar to us, as in Third Density, or Third Dimensional, if you will. And they said that they date back 2.6 billion years. . . .

“In The Law of One, they said that they have a particular affinity for the pyramid shape, and they built it extensively. Therefore, it does appear that the solution to the mystery of “Who is the Ancient Builder Race?” is that this is the group now identifying itself as Ra, the group that gave us the Law of One material, the same group that ultimately contacted Corey Goode, appearing as Blue Avians, now appearing in sixth density [form], millions of years later . . . They are apparently the most advanced extraterrestrial group ever involved with humanity.

“It does appear, based on some very understated things they say in The Law of One, that they had quite the vast civilization, that they spread out to many neighboring stars. This is the Ancient Builder Race. They colonized all the neighboring stars . . . Then you have to ask yourself, what could have survived for more than 2 billion years?

“Well, this is very fascinating, because, throughout our solar system, according to insiders, we have a Cosmic Junkyard. What is the Junkyard? It is a collection of crystalline ruins. These ruins are made of a glass-like material. And the material is not actually glass. It is a transparent aluminum alloy. There have already been alloys of transparent aluminum made by various companies here on Earth. And when they stress-test these alloys, they find out that they are five times stronger, in their tensile strength, than bulletproof glass.

“As our Secret Space Program has apparently gone beyond our solar system with reverse-engineered technology similar to what they acquired in the Roswell crash over 70 years, now, they found that all of the approximately 54 different stars in our own local group of stars, which are all gravitationally connected, every one of those stars has planets and moons and satellites with these same crystalline ruins on them: obelisks, pyramids, and domes.

“Those obelisks, pyramids, and domes only constitute what is visible on the surface. The Ancient Builder Race spent a lot more energy building inside these moons and planets. We’re talking about vast regions that are habitable. . . .

The people who were involved in this Ancient Builder Race seem to have mysteriously disappeared. And the cultures that came after them worshiped them as gods. They would emulate their architecture.

“The people who were on Mars, which we call the Progenitor Race, they actually built their own structures that were very similar to what they had found all throughout our solar system.”

David Wilcock, “The Cosmic Secret”

* * *

Question: “How could skinny, bird-like creatures have built pyramids?”

Answer: “With high technology.”

Although elongated-skull “pharaohs” commanded human slaves to quarry limestone blocks for their tiny pyramids, the benevolent Blue Avians worked in a different way.

They powdered existing minerals, mixed them in “magic recipes,” and cast them in place, creating absolutely unique “stones” each time. There was no need for human slaves to quarry and drag around massive building blocks, because each block was created (cast) in situ.

Even without bringing advanced bipedal birds into the equation, the obvious fact that no one could have dragged gargantuan blocks into their positions in the three larger pyramids on the Giza Plateau seems to have escaped our learned Egyptologist “experts,” who soberly peddle the “slaves built the pyramids as tombs for kings” fairy tale to wide-eyed students.

Did the Blue Avians use wooden boards held together by nails or screws to serve as casting molds for crystalline construction blocks? No.

It is likely that energetic molds were used by the Blue Avians to cast their crystalline concrete building blocks. Otherwise, the builders would have had to create a separate wooden, or other temporary physical, mold for each of more than 5 million unique crystalline blocks. (Yes, it took over 5 million separate, uniquely sized, blocks to build the three largest pyramids on the Giza Plateau.)

Energetic, probably sonic, molds make more sense than wooden molds. Energetic molds would have allowed the builders easily to create uniquely sized blocks. And a race that has been around for 2.8 million years would be able to use sound in ways far beyond our present imaginings.

Why did the ancient builders across the Earth use uniquely sized, and often uniquely shaped (non-square, non-rectangular), blocks for their projects? To help mitigate earthquakes’ kinetic energy.

Did the Blue Avians build every ancient megalithic structure on the planet? Possibly. But different styles of building in different locales inspire us to believe that different ancient builder races were involved.

How can there be so many technologically advanced races in the universe, if the universe came into being with a bang only 13.8 years ago?

No Big Bang

To understand the crystalline building of the Ancients, and to understand the Ancients themselves, we must go into the distant past, far, far beyond schoolbook history.

Professors in earth and space sciences might reserve the temporal adjective “distant” for hundreds of millions, or even billions, of years ago. For instance, our planet is supposed to have formed ≈ 4.5 billion years ago, and the proposed “Big Bang” is supposed to have occurred ≈ 13.8 billion years ago. Because people in the sciences who consider themselves “very smart” — for instance, Big Bang proponents Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson — tell us that the Big Bang did indeed occur, our idea of the truly distant past has, as its limit, the proposed “beginning of the universe” approximately 13.8 billion years ago

Quite fortunately, however, it turns out that the “very smart” people who advocated the Big Bang theory were wrong.

Humanity is not alone in a barren universe. In fact, we live in an extremely crowded stellar metropolis.

Persons quite a bit smarter than, and much more well-researched than, Big Bang proponents Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson came along many years ago and demonstrated that the Big Bang theory has no foundation whatsoever in science.

Eric Lerner is one of many “no-Big Bang,” non-TV scientists who dismantle the Big Bang theory with a veritable truckload of scientific evidence. Tom Van Flandern is another.

Wallace Thornhill is another:

We also have, quite sadly, the public record of professors and researchers who have been de-funded, ridiculed, ostracized, and/or fired for discovering and/or promoting evidence disputing the Big Bang theory. This shameful record of scientific fraud is partially told in a two-part video series entitled, “The Universe: Cosmology Quest.”

To reiterate, the “Big Bang” theory is not backed up by scientific evidence but is simply “a notion that caught on.” And when this (frankly fully absurd) notion caught on, powerful forces worked against real science to keep it in place as science’s “latest and best” cosmology.

No Big Bang Means Infinite Time

Having discarded academia’s literally-everything-from-literally-nothing cosmological fairy tale, we can ask ourselves the following important question: “What does a universe without a Big Bang mean?”

Because real science has found no necessary beginning to the universe in time, we can reasonably speculate that 1) the universe has always been here and 2) the universe will always be here.

The red dot is the location of the Milky Way galaxy in the Laniakea Galactic Supercluster. “Laniakea” is a Hawaiian word meaning “immeasurable sky” or “immeasurable heaven.”

In a universe without beginning or end in time, we can reasonably speculate that the universe continually changes in its details (stars are born, galaxies merge, galactic superclusters form and re-form) but that it retains its essential shape.

What shape does the dynamic universe probably take?

* * *

The universe probably takes the shape of a torus.

We’ll engage universal geometry in a subsequent article.

* * *

If the universe has always been here, as uncorrupted science tells us, we have a new time-scale for “the distant past.” In fact, the universe “goes off the scale of time” as we look into the past.

Now, when we look into the past and we see an infinite expanse of time, we can ask a simple question, “How long have intelligent races had to advance technologically?” And our answer comes immediately: “An infinite amount of time.”

The idea of infinite time for races to advance is ***extremely*** important — which is why academia has suppressed it. Universities, controlled by dark forces, are literally desperate to keep you from knowing the truth about the eternal universe in which you find yourself. The most important fact that the Controllers wish to keep from you is the idea of infinite time. How do we know this?

Let’s ask ourselves two questions:

1) Why is a long-discredited, indeed exhaustively falsified, theory of the origin of the universe still taught as fact in the universities? How much money must be being put into the suppression of the truth about the cosmological past? Billions? More?

2) Why are Big Bang proponents Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson offered endless TV appearances, but real scientists like Eric Lerner and Wallace Thornhill and Stephen Smith are given no time at all by science programs or the major media?

Entertainers, not scientists.

3) Why has science in 2021 become largely entertainment, instead of what it actually is: diligent investigation?

Are We the First or the Last?

During the last several decades, with the Big Bang theory solidly in place, at least in the minds of the TV entertainment science watchers, humanity has assumed, quite logically, that we are the first advanced race, in near space and perhaps in the universe, because there has been only 13.8 billion years for life to emerge across the wide expanse of All That Is. A dreaming, dancing, incredibly lucky hominid, we were told, and we have believed, was the first truly intelligent species to arise in the Infinite All.

But now, with our understanding that the Big Bang theory has been swept into the scientific dust bin of history, we have a startling new perspective. Now we come to understand that a plenitude of advanced races, with literally millions, billions, trillions, or quadrillions of years of technological achievements under their belts, have graced, and continue to grace, the soft scalar star-ways of our electrically joined, electrically lubricated, electrically volatile, plasmagasmic universe.

We are not the first, but the last.

In short, humanity is not the first advanced race in the universe, but the last.

And yes, we were created in the images of the gods — the Bible got it right, but gods has been purposely mistranslated as God — when they mixed their DNA with that of a natural Earth hominid.

3D Printing, 4D Printing

In a mere 50 years here on Earth, the science of 3D printing has advanced from printing one-inch thingamabobs to printing houses and bridges.

Imagine what we will be able to do with 3D printing technology in 50 thousand years or 50 million years. Now imagine what intelligent races who have survived for time-spans much longer than 50 million years have been able to do with 3D printing.

We “start-up humans” are already working (playing) with the 4D printing, which creates structures that adapt through time to an ever-changing environment. 4D-printed structures almost sound like the earth, don’t they? Was Earth 4D-printed by an advanced race in the distant past? Were all planets printed? See my upcoming book, “Who built the Earth?” — alternate title, “Who Printed the Earth?”

Book-in-progress. (Publication date to be announced.)

What else might advanced ancient races have printed, and what else might they be printing as we speak, in a universe so old it has no perceived beginning in time?

Still-Intact Crystalline Structures of the Ancients

How many advanced races have come to Earth, built here, interbred with other advanced (or not-so-advanced) races, fought off other advanced races, exterminated less advanced races, co-habited with advanced or not-so-advanced races, and left signs in “stone” (crystalline concrete) of their habitation? It’s hard to know.

We do know that the Ancients’ building blocks were made from crystalline material left here by the true Ancients who built the continents. The Ancients powdered hard material left behind in the form of valleys, hills, and mountains, all of which were created by the True Ancients as part of their worldwide continental terraforming project.

As this article wanders along, which of the Ancients’ structures shall we talk about? Shall we talk about giant pyramids built out of crystalline material across the earth? Shall we talk about giant human females fossilized in crystalline material across the earth? Shall we talk about giant human footprints left in crystalline material across the earth? Shall we talk about giant stone spheres carefully built out of crystalline material, with manganese as a hardener and calcium carbonate as a binder?

Shall we talk about continental terraforming by which the True Ancients created Earth’s continents from crystalline material . . . and in particular, shall we talk about 45-degree diagonal-seam construction in crystalline concrete creek beds and riverbeds across the earth, super-hard concrete water courses that literally form the structural foundations of hills and mountains?

We could talk about these things, and we have. But in this article, let’s talk about duoliths.


Julie Ryder, discoverer of the Montana Megaliths, an ancient archaeological site stretching for hundreds of miles around Helena, Montana, has coined the term “duolith.”

A duolith is a crystalline structure composed of two parallel, similarly sized, stones with a regular-width vertical gap between them.

One of the duoliths discovered in the Montana Megaliths site is called Star Fire Duolith. It is approximately 50 feet tall. The duolith’s megalithic pair sit firmly in a curving cradle foundation.

The gap is narrower at the bottom than at the top, possibly because of displacement of one or both “stones” over time: 1) one or both bottoms may have shifted closer to each other, or 2) one or both tops may have leaned away from each other.

Julie Ryder and Jock Doubleday discuss Star Fire Duolith onsite, July 18, 2021:

Why “geopolymer”? Couldn’t the megaliths just be natural granite stones?

“Energetic Stone” – Geopolymer Crystalline Recipes

To build lasting machines on Earth, the Ancients created crystalline concrete (geopolymer) structures with no moving parts. How did they do this?

The Ancients powdered existing crystalline material taken from the crystalline valleys, hills, and mountains — that is, from the continents themselves, which were created in the distant past by the earliest terrestrial Ancients, whom I call the True Ancients. The Ancients then mixed those powders into “magic recipes,” to which they added water and brought heat to bear upon.

It was exactly in this way that they created artificial stones that could be used as building blocks for their machines.

The Ancients’ crystalline concrete machines didn’t need moving parts, because the machines were built to harness and facilitate the movement of energy. It was the energy that was moving. The “stones” could stay where they were.

“Fast Energy

Most people consider rocks simply concretized minerals, and probably the dullest thing around.

But what if “rocks” are actually highly energetic objects whose artificially mixed crystalline minerals allow them astonishing capabilities?

In the 1970s, Alan Watts spoke about the phenomenon of fast-moving energy in rocks creating what we call “hardness.”

“When you look at the blades of a propeller or an electric fan, the separated blades become a solid disk, and you cannot throw an egg through it. And so, in exactly the same way, you can’t put your finger through a rock, because the rock is moving too fast for your finger to go through. That’s the meaning of the whole phenomenon of hardness. Hardness in nature is immense energy, but acting in a very concentrated, restricted space.”
– Alan Watts
(start minute 14:55)
“Do you do it or does it do you Alan Watts”

The Ancients did not depend on Nature to give them the hard, durable, crystalline building blocks that they needed for their particular energetic purposes. Using “magic recipes” of crystalline material, they created their building blocks artificially and with meticulous care.

Magic Recipes

The Ancients’ magic crystalline recipes are available to us, in part, by analysis of the materials in the blocks they created.

Of course, in the absence of the Ancients handing us their Magic Crystalline Recipes cookbook, the Ancients’ methods of mixing and heating will likely remain unknown to us. How much air? How much water? How much heat? What kind of heat? These are important considerations in creating building blocks that last the ages.

We do know that the Ancients often used clay as a binder. All of the concrete that covers the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun was made with clay as the binder.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun’s concrete block’s clay binder is so strong that one block that did break broke through a stone and not through the clay binder.

The concrete’s upper hardness rating is 133.8 megapascals, making it the hardest ancient concrete ever tested, much harder than the Roman concrete that would come 30,000 years later, and also much harder than most modern concrete used for bridges and roads, today.

The Etymology of Clay is Glue

What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay? Glue.

“The etymology of clay is glue.”
“The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017”

“They heated up this clay — which has a history in etymology of being the same concept as glue. In fact, in the Proto-Indo-European language, gley was glue. And gley became clay. So their clay was glue. To us it’s dirt. To them it was glue. And if you heat it up, it becomes glue. It glues itself to itself and becomes a baked claystone. Or, if it’s softer, like in this little layer in between, it can glue hard material to hard material. It can become glue between those. And also it can mitigate earthquakes.”
“Filtering Out University Indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex”

Sometimes, the Ancients made blocks out of pure clay. The vast majority of the building blocks in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, for instance, are pure clay, though they have been mislabeled “quarried sandstone.”

Every “stone” (artificially shaped, textured, and baked claystone) in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex is unique. No cookie-cutter molds were used. How did the Ancients make hundreds of millions of unique baked claystones? Why did they? Perhaps they were engaged in creating lasting energy machines on Earth.

The Ancients built both the Fojnica and the Bosnia riverbeds solely out of clay. And it turns out that these riverbeds are the structural foundations for riverside features — pyramids, tumuli, and hills — in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.

The riverbed of the Fojnica River, which winds placidly through the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, is composed entirely of clay: alternating hard baked claystone (structural) layers and soft clay (earthquake-mitigating) layers.
In the center of the photo, we see where the soft clay layers start as the riverbank ascends. (The clay pieces on the left side of the photo are just detritus left behind when the river’s water level receded in the summer, not soft clay layers.) The Ancients who built the Fojnica riverbed did not use soft clay layers in the lower part of the riverbanks (left side of the photo) because strong water action near the center of the river would wash soft layers away. They used the soft layers only in the upper part of the riverbanks for earthquake mitigation.

The clay was used by the Ancients for more than glue.

“One of the reasons why mainstream archaeologists and geologists look at these pyramids [in Bosnia] and don’t think that they are man-made is because they don’t have a background in scalar physics. So, they don’t recognize that the structures within these things are exactly what you would do if you wanted to build a scalar energy device. . . . In the case of these pyramids, when you’ve got this huge scale of a mountain-sized pyramid, and you’ve got these pebbles, and they’re all packed closely together with clay around them . . . Clay, by the way, is very high in monoatomic minerals. Monoatomic minerals also are like scalar antennas, at a microscopic level. They also exude scalar energy. So you’ve got this medium, like the resin in orgonite, around all these pebbles. And that combination of the [close] proximity of those pebbles creates the Casimir Effect [which creates scalar waves]. The clay itself is creating scalar fields. And so when you put that under pressure, that amplifies it. Because there is something called the piezoelectric effect, which basically is, you smack a piece of crystal, particularly quartz, and it will shoot out electricity. . . . Instead of hitting the crystal, if you just squeeze on it, that creates scalar waves. That’s part of the piezoelectric effect. . . . The reason the piezoelectric effect occurs is because these minerals contain these superconducting monoatomic elements. In rocks, they’re not always superconducting, but under special circumstances they are. So, when you squeeze on these rocks or crystals, instead of creating electricity, it creates scalar waves. So you’ve got this giant mountain, with all these pebbles close together, surrounded by clay, which is all high in monoatomics, and then you put it under pressure from the weight of the pyramid and the soil weighing down — you’ve got a massive scalar wave generator.” – Ken Rohla
(start minute 8:03)
“Blueprint for Existence: Bosnian Pyramids Update 2017”

Ken Rohla talks about energy movement in geometrical crystalline structures.
Ken Rohla’s contribution (significant) to this video starts at minute 8:03.

Lasting the Ages

One thing we know for certain is that the Ancients built to last. Their structures have, for the most part, survived global flooding, ice ages (indeed, 20 ice ages in the last 2.5 million years), asteroid impacts, earthquakes, and worldwide volcanic activity.

We find duoliths around the world built above normal flooding levels. Star Fire Duolith in Western Montana is almost a mile above sea level and stands on a small hill among a range of hills, well away from river courses whose floodwaters might perturb it.

Interestingly, the entire Montana Megaliths site, comprising hundreds of square miles near Helena, Montana, survived the last ice age because it was fortunately built to the south of the southern edge of glaciers advancing from the north.

Much of what we today call the United States escaped glacial activity during the last ice age.

When the Ancients built the structure that Julie Ryder has named Star Fire Duolith, they created a structure with four basic components: A foundation, two upright blocks of similar shape and size, and a gap between the two standing blocks.

Similar structures are found across the earth. Let’s look at a structure of similar height in Saudi Arabia called the Al Naslaa Rock Formation.

Al Naslaa Duolith stands at an altitude of 3,280 feet above sea level, well above normal flooding scenarios.
Approximately 50 feet tall, Star Fire Duolith in the Montana Megaliths
stands at 5,579 feet above sea level, well above normal flooding scenarios.

Duoliths are massive structures that modern engineers might balk at trying to erect. But ancient civilizations were building lasting crystalline concrete duoliths across the Earth, with seeming ease, and consistently above normal flooding scenarios.

Now, what exactly were these strategically placed stone machines for?

Crystalline Capacitors

We can reasonably conjecture that whoever built duoliths on Earth’s surface had a good reason for doing so. Let’s look at the form of duoliths, in particular Star Fire Duolith in the Montana Megaliths site.

Star Fire Duolith, with two people for scale. Please note that the woman on the right is standing on top of the foundation, which is also part of the structure.

By leaving a narrow space between standing crystalline concrete megaliths across the earth, an advanced race or races created “standing stone capacitors.”

Like all capacitors, Star Fire Duolith gathers and stores energy. But unlike modern capacitors, Star Fire Duolith receives its voltage from the sun.

Further, the crystalline capacitors of the Ancients have no moving parts that might break down over time.

Why the gap?

Polarity Generates Power

We know from our understanding of magnets that polarity generates power. There is no working magnet with only a north end or only a south end.

Gap between Star Fire Duolith geopolymer crystalline blocks.

Polarity creates power. Capacitors are able to create electrical polarity because of their structural polarity.

When voltage (for instance, sunlight) is applied to one block, the “dielectric” (that is, the air between the blocks) becomes polarized.

Why didn’t the Ancients make their crystalline concrete capacitors horizontal? Because blocks placed horizontally would have needed to be separated by additional material in the gap, and this material would disable the capacitor’s functionality. Capacitors need 100% homogeneous space between them. This space can be filled with 100% air or 100% water or 100% of some other non-conductive material like plastic or glass or mica.

The gap between two conductive plates/blocks is called a dielectric, for the reason explained below.

Upon receipt of sunlight voltage, millions of invisible electric dipoles are formed in the air that comprises the dielectric gap between the blocks. The dielectric is called a dielectric because of the similarly arranged dipoles in the gap between blocks. In the case of duoliths, dipoles are oriented horizontally — across the gap — at right angles to the twin structures of the duolith.

Rotate the schematic below by 90 degrees to match it
with Star Fire Duolith’s upright, vertical structure.

The third arrow down (“Polarization”) is pointing to a dipole.
Please note that all the dipoles in this capacitor schematic are arranged with their positive and negative ends pointing in the same direction The electric field created by a capacitor is self-organizing.

The reason that electric dipoles are 1) created and 2) arranged in this particular way inside the gap between a duolith’s blocks is that an electric field has been created, in the gap itself, when voltage is applied to one of the blocks. The electric field is self-organizing. It automatically arranges its electric dipoles 1) horizontally and 2) with charges at similar ends.

Star Fire Duolith.

Vertical Dipoles of Gravity vs. Horizontal Dipoles of Duoliths

Gravity itself is an electric force, as Wallace Thornhill of the Electric Universe group explains.

“What causes [what we call] gravity? Radially oriented electrostatic dipoles are formed by most atoms inside the Earth, with the inner pole positive and the outer pole negative. The electric field within the atom distorts the subatomic particles to also form tiny electric dipoles. It is the sum of all the aligned subatomic dipoles that produces the weak force of ‘gravity’.” – Wallace Thornhill
(start minute 30:58)
“Wal Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop”

The electric force of gravity vertically arranges the dipoles in its electric field. (This is why objects “fall”; they are following powerful lines of electric force created by “standing dipoles.”) Because gravity is electric, it is not a separate force. What we know of as the “force of gravity” is simply the result of similarly arranged electric dipoles.

(Please note that Rockefeller-controlled universities worldwide (all of them) are desperate to maintain gravity as a separate, mysterious force, somehow “discovered” by Isaac Newton. The absurdity of this position is so colossal that it’s impossible to describe. The reason the Controllers are desperate to maintain the “gravity is a mystery” lie is that, if humanity knew that gravity is electric, scientists would immediately come up with anti-gravity devices such as noiseless, fuel-free flying cars and noiseless, fuel-free spacecraft. The Rockefellers, already in possession of working anti-grav technology (since 1954), are not willing to share their technology, because they do not want to share space or to endanger their petrochemical profits. Please see @JocksDisclosureMemes on Instagram.)

In the case of duoliths, dipoles are arranged horizontally, going “against the grain” of normal dipole arrangement in, on, and near the earth. If a duolith were constructed horizontally, and a gap were somehow able to be maintained between the two horizontal blocks, then dipoles would automatically arrange themselves vertically, as in the schematic above.

Why are we talking about the dielectric? Because by creating a non-conductive gap between a capacitor’s two plates, the capacitor’s capacitance (power) increases. The narrower the gap, the higher the capacitance.


What is a supercapacitor? First, let’s look at why capacitors are used in modern machines.

“Although the physics are different from a modern battery, a capacitor is a device that stores electrical charge. The physics of a capacitor also create other properties — blocking a direct current, for example, or passing changing currents. What does a capacitor do? Batteries are great for supplying constant flows of electric current. Capacitors show up when you need a specific amount of power delivered to a specific part of a circuit for a specific period. Take a camera’s flash, for example. The slow flow of power from the phone’s battery can’t deliver enough electricity fast enough to power the flash. When you press the shutter button, it’s the camera’s capacitors that provide the short burst of electricity needed to light up the scene. When electronics tear-down specialists iFixit took apart a Nikon camera a few years back, they found a capacitor the length of a finger that powered the camera’s flash. The iFixit writer also points out that, without the right tools, touching a capacitor that size could kill you — so don’t try this at home. Another reason capacitors are used in circuit designs is to modify signals the circuit carries. This takes advantage of the way capacitors block direct current but pass the signal’s variable current. By selecting the right properties, you can choose which frequencies pass through the capacitor. TVs and stereo equipment, for example, use a lot of capacitors to filter noise from power supplies and produce high-quality audio.”
“Capacitors 101: What are they and how do they work?”

What is the difference between a battery, a capacitor, and a supercapacitor?

“Unlike lithium batteries, which store energy in chemical form, capacitors store electricity in an electrical field — like static collecting on a balloon. Supercapacitors are three times more powerful than batteries of similar weight and three times lighter than batteries of similar power.”

And here’s an article about Elon Musk that talks about supercapacitors (or ultracapacitors).

Remember the Flux Capacitor in the movie, “Back to the Future,” that enabled time travel? That was a super-super-supercapacitor!

I guess capacitors are “magic,” if they have enough power.

Bicameral Stone

I call megalithic crystalline duoliths around the earth “bicameral stone.” Bicameral means, literally, two chambers; cameral comes from the Latin, camera, “vault,” “vaulted room,” which comes from the Greek, kamara, “vaulted chamber.”

So, bicameral is, literally, two chambers, or two rooms. The human brain is bicameral. It has two chambers. And these chambers are separated by a gap.

Are stones brains? Did the ancients use the same technique when creating standing duoliths as nature did when creating the brain — placing a space between two crystalline blocks mimicking the space between the two hemispheres of the brain? Was the purpose, in both cases, to generate power? If the gap between human brain hemispheres does not generate power, what is it for? As human beings, and all beings, and all matter, are electrical, certainly the gap is electrically significant.

Bicameral “stone” (crystalline concrete) on the left, and the bicameral human brain on the right.
Part of the brain has been cut away to show the corpus callosum, a broad band of nerve fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the bicameral human brain.

Let’s ask another question. Are standing stone pairs neurons?

The morphology of 1) bicameral neural pairs and 2) the bicameral brain match the morphology of 3) bicameral stone (duoliths).

We know that neurons and brains operate electrically. And we know from our discussion of capacitors that a dielectric gap between electrically conductive plates creates an electrical field that stores energy. If 1) neural pairs and 2) brain hemispheres act as capacitors that gather and store energy, can we reasonably state that laboriously built megalithic standing stone pairs also harness and store power? If so, what might that power be used for?

Books, Libraries, Interactive Libraries, Dynamic Libraries

In the same way that brains hold memory, might duoliths be repositories of information?

We know that crystals hold memory, and we know that duoliths are made out of crystalline material. Could duoliths be sunlight-powered ancient books or ancient libraries?

“What could we learn from a 50-foot-tall, 20-foot-wide crystalline library?”

If duoliths are libraries, might they be dynamic libraries? Might they be continuously recording (storing) “frequency-events” (all events) on, in, and near Earth? If so, might these standing stone tape recorders have a way to broadcast message-signals (that is, continuously updated library contents) to the off-planet civilizations who built the duoliths?

Might duoliths be interactive libraries? In other words, might standing stone pairs be accessible by humans, or by members of sufficiently advanced races, who encounter duoliths on Earth’s surface?


Below is what geologists call a “natural canyon” in Canyonlands, Utah.

In fact, it’s not a natural canyon. It’s an artificial crystalline concrete mega-duolith built by the Ancients.

Below is what geologists call a “natural canyon” in Petra, Jordan. In fact, it’s not a natural canyon. It’s an artificial crystalline concrete mega-duolith built by the Ancients.

Petra, Jordan mega-duolith.

How do we know that someone built this mega-duolith feature? Because we know that the “sandstone” features of Petra, Jordan were built in their entirety.

We see straight-line seams, seams so strong, so integral, that they are like the tightly knitted seams in a garment, throughout Petra’s landscapes.

The Ancients built Petra, Jordan section by section, left to right. And Petra landscapes are a continuation of the Ancients’ building across the planet. This is why, from continent to continent, we consistently find straight-line seams (not “fractures”) that run vertically through both “molten” and “sedimentary” material. Of course, some molten material on, and in, Earth actually is natural molten rock (that is, volcanic rock). But non-volcanic “igneous” or “molten” rock is, in all cases, not natural igneous/molten rock, but artificial crystalline concrete mixed and heated by the Ancients in the distant past.

Vertical seams in ancient concrete (not “cracks” or “fractures” or “joint fractures” in natural geological material) are found abundantly throughout Jordan’s landscapes.

Abundant straight-line vertical seams give us the clue that Jordan’s landscapes were built in their entirety in truly ancient times. Geologists wrongly call Petra Jordan’s ancient sectioned concrete “sedimentary sandstone.” Why they do this is unknown, but it likely has to do with a mistaken premise that pervades, not only the geological sciences, but the space sciences.

Geologists labor under a false premise, which creates a veil over their eyes when they look at the earth. They believe that humanity is the first advanced race in the universe. This false premise leads experts, notably professors, in Earth sciences and space sciences to believe that no other advanced races have existed who might have built the continents, or who might have built the earth itself, in the distant past.

Institutional geologists, laboring under the false premise that we are the first advanced race in the universe, want you to believe that nature laid down a layer of material, and then another layer, and then another layer, and then another, and that all of those layers have the same straight line vertically bisecting them, and then another straight line vertically bisecting them, and then another straight line vertically bisecting them.

Professors of geology call these vertical seams in multiple layers of ancient concrete “fractures” in “natural rock.” This easily falsifiable notion composes a significant portion of university geology as we know it.

The straight-line gap in Petra, Jordan crystalline concrete is virtually identical to the straight-line gap in Canyonlands, Utah, U.S. crystalline concrete. We also note that the bottom of these gargantuan gap-structures are able to be negotiated on foot.

As we begin to understand that the Ancients built negotiable (walkable) mega-“gap structures” across the earth, how do we proceed?

We ask questions.

Are mega-duoliths portals to other times or places? If so, how are the portals accessed? Are their energies available only at certain times? In certain seasons? During astrological alignments? What are they portals to? When are they portals to? Are the portals two-way? That is, can beings from other times and places arrive in the gaps in mega-duoliths? When?

Is the iron-rich material that the Ancients used to build mega-duoliths meant to protect humanity from certain negative (Reptilian) E.T. races who might otherwise be able to use the portals to travel to Earth and do harm to humans?

“Should we open the doorways? . . . These particular UFOs were targeting people in a specific way that robbed them of the iron in their blood. [Iron] is the one component that stops us from being interfered with. Iron was always the key component that helped us fight what came through that doorway. . . . It was the iron that worked to keep them away. Iron doesn’t work underground. It only works on the surface. And it’s activated by sunlight. So the sunlight in itself keeps us right. Now, when these night attacks happen, 9 times out of 10, when the attack happens, it will happen to females moreso than males. Because they wait until the female reaches the height of her monthly cycle, where most of them become anemic. Reduction in iron, again.”
Barry Fitzgerald
(start minute 11:13)
“The Secret 70,000 Year Old History of the Reptilians on Earth”
[ video deleted on Youtube ]

See my upcoming article, “Rose-Red Cities, as Old as Time,” for a discussion of iron-rich crystalline portals built on Earth’s surface specifically to prevent Reptilian portal-incursions. There is a reason that the Ancients used high iron content is some parts of their continents. (See my recent video about Sedona, Arizona landscapes, “The Magic of Iron.”)

Convoluted Continents

More questions:

Is Gaia conscious? If so, did Gaia attain consciousness through her convoluted terrain?

In my “Terraforming of Terra” video and article series, I have shown that Earth’s continents were built by an advanced race or races in the distant past. The structural landscapes we see are the result of conscious terraforming (building, shaping) using consciously mixed concrete, not the result of natural forces working with natural elements (geology). In this sense, geology as we know it ceases to exist, except as a post-terraforming afterthought — natural erosion and sedimentation of ancient artificial concrete.

Interestingly, convoluted terrain around the world (mountains, hills, and valleys) resembles brain-fold convolution. Are convoluted mountain and valley systems across the earth the result of the Ancients’ attempt to create a conscious planet? Did they succeed? If so, what is Gaia thinking? How can we contact Gaia? And how did we lose our connection to her?

Is morphological similarity — for instance, between brains and Earth terrain, or between capacitors and duoliths — proof of similarity of function? No. But we can use morphological similarity as a starting point for scientific inquiry. I hope this article inspires scientists, in particular electrical engineers, to study duoliths for capacitor-like function.


The Ancients created six continents’ worth of what we call “stone,” and they performed this astonishing feat using conductive, memory-holding crystalline material.

The Ancients knew that minerals, mixed, heated, and placed in the proper way and in the proper geometry, could perform important long-lasting energetic functions. To achieve their functional goals, the Ancients worked with crystalline material in deliberate ways. They worked as engineers. They worked as craftsmen, indeed, as artisans. The artistic technology of the Ancients allowed them to create crystalline machines with no moving parts (in particular, pyramids), that still stand today.

Although I have stated as fact that duoliths around the world were built by an advanced race or races to work as capacitors that gather and store energy, science demands the testing of duoliths with the appropriate electrical equipment. My statement that duoliths are capacitors is a working hypothesis boldly stated.

Science is a harsh mistress and demands continual interaction between initial observation, secondary hypothesis, and tertiary testing. Testing duoliths as energy machines is the next step for truth-seekers following the rigorous demands of the scientific method.

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Patreon Account for Jock Doubleday

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Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as the official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s latest articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at His earliest articles can be found at His Bosnian archaeology videos can be found on the BosnianPyramids Youtube channel. His continental terraforming videos and other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. His book-in-progress, “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, feel free to write

Further Research

“A 10,000,000-Year Timeline War between Reptilians (Draco) and Humans (Anshar)”

“Moon landing: Real or fiction?”

Full Disclosure: “Waiting for the Hollow Moon: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Off-World Relatives”

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay?

“The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

The beautiful and important Piri Reis map – the fragment that survives – was created on gazelle skin parchment. I’m not a math guy, particularly, but I did some basic research on the subject of map projections to investigate the truth about the claims of authenticity of the Piri Reis map. I did two days of research on the subject. This was two days that Robert Milton Schoch was unable or unwilling to spend preparing material for his book “Voices of the Rocks,” in which he (quite oddly) claims that the Piri Reis map is not authentic but, with Wikipedia, instead claims that the lower portion of South America is bent round to fit the parchment. In other words, Dr. Schoch claims that a Turkish admiral, competent to navigate and sail the ancient seas, was too stupid to find a piece of parchment big enough for his map. Let’s continue to do basic research that orthodoxical researchers can’t or won’t do – to get to the basic truths about humanity’s past on Earth. “. . . the reason the lower part of South America is curved to the east on the left-hand lower corner of the map, and the reason that the continent of Antarctica looks as if it might be South America’s extended tip at the bottom center of the map, is that Piri Reis used an azimuthal equidistant projection, a sophisticated cartographic method that gives more accurate relative continent sizes than the modern standard of cylindrical projection, which unnaturally enlarges polar-region continents.”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

“Spontaneous archaeology on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

“The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?”

“No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Baked, Textured, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″
Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones — inclined by their creators into a built hill — in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?”Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology”

Goddess Walked the Earth – Megalithic Females Found across the Planet Demonstrate that Human Giants Flourished on a Smaller, Lower-Gravity Earth in the Distant Past

by Jock Doubleday

Author, Aliens and Human Giants Abounding: A New Interpretation of Fairy Tales

Author, Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past (coming soon)

Videographer, Terraforming of Terra (video series).

FAIRY TALES AND THE BIBLE were right, all along. Human giants did exist on planet Earth.

We have their footprints . . .

West Java, Indonesia. Photographer unknown.

We have their pottery . . .

Indonesia. Photographer unknown.

And we have their actual bodies, bodies turned to stone.

A key question about megalithic giant humans, giant animals, giant insects, and giant plants across the Earth is: “What was the mechanism for turning biological beings into stone?”

Another question: How can it be that most of the female human giants pictured in this article are perfectly upright?

Let’s engage the mystery.

Arches National Park, Utah. Photographer unknown.

Arches National Park, Utah. Photographer unknown.

Arches National Park, Utah. Photo by Elizabeth M. Riffle. Notice that the coloration of the stone is different from the coloration of the stone in the background.

Arches National Park, Utah. Photo by Katie Struth.

Vagina Cave, Mulanje Mountain, Malawi, Africa. Pictured here: Tour Guide Colby.

Cuevas del Mar (La Vagina), Northern Spain. Photographer unknown.

Cuevas Fecundantes, o Piedras de los Moros, Los Monegros, Aragon, Spain. Photographer unknown.

Utah. Location and photographer unknown.

Hogberget Cave, Finland. Photographer unknown.

Hogberget Cave, Finland. Photographer unknown.

Palatki Cave, Sedona, Arizona. Photographer unknown.

Caverna Magica, Joshua Tree National Park, California. Photo by Andy Frasheski.

Yin Yuan stone, Danxia Mountain, Guangdong, China. Photo by Granger.

Ryoko’s Cave 岡山県総社市岩屋 Sōja, Okayama Japan. Photographer unknown.

Kata Tjuta, Alice Springs, Australia. Photo by Albert Brufau.

Location and photographer unknown.

Dragon’s Cave, Croatia. Photographer unknown. Academia always tries to turn the Sacred Mother into something evil and scary. Hence the name, “Dragon’s Cave.” The two families who control academia (Rockefeller and Rothschild) are desperate to invert the energy of these sites. Please note that both anus and vagina are pictured.

Dragon’s Cave, Croatia. Photographer unknown. Academia always tries to turn the Sacred Mother into something evil and scary. Hence the name, “Dragon’s Cave.” The two families who control academia (Rockefeller and Rothschild) are desperate to invert the energy of these sites. Please note that both anus and vagina are pictured.

Location and photographer unknown.

Joshua Tree National Park, California. Photographer unknown.

Blue Sun Rock Shelter, Indian Hill, Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Photo by Daren Sefcik

Location and photographer unknown.

North America. Photographer unknown.

Desert View Tower, Boulder Park, California. Photographer here. “Carved by wind and rain,” say geologists.

Jacob’s Well, Wimberly, Texas. Photographer unknown.
Vulva, pubis, and giant's hand.
Iran. Exact location unknown. Photographer unknown. Image unsearchable.
Utroba Cave.
Utroba Cave, Bulgaria. Photo by Kaalii Cargill.
Utroba Cave.
Door to the womb, closed for now. Utroba Cave, Bulgaria. Photo by Kaalii Cargill.
Utroba Cave.
Utroba Cave, Bulgaria.
Utroba Cave.
Door to the womb – closed for now. Utroba Cave, also known as the Womb Cave, is found
five kilometers southeast of Nenkovo village in Bulgaria. Photo by Kaalii Cargill.
Utroba Cave
Utroba Cave, also known as the Womb Cave, is found
five kilometers southeast of Nenkovo village in Bulgaria. Photo by Kaalii Cargill.

“In May 2018, I set out on a 3 month pilgrimage to Greece, Turkey and the prehistory sites of “Old Europe”. Once again my main focus was “visiting with the Grandmothers”.] . . . The “Womb Cave” is located in Bulgaria . . . near the village of Nenkovo. The cave is 3 kilometres up a mountain track resembling a dry, rocky creek bed. The entrance is reached by climbing a ladder resting against the cliff. The natural shape of the 22 metre long cave is more like a vagina than a womb, with a small carved altar at the end. The cave has been visited as a shrine since at least 4000 BCE.” (“Goddess Pilgrimage 2018,” Kaalii Cargill, published January 1, 2019)

Womb_Cave_2 Filipov Ivo - license ccbysa4.0
Womb with a view. Utroba Cave, also known as the Womb Cave, is found five kilometers southeast of Nenkovo village in Bulgaria. Photo by Filipov Ivo.
Utroba Cave.
Utroba Cave, Bulgaria. Photographer unknown.

Utroba Cave, Bulgaria

The Rothschilds’ CIA’s Wikipedia (aka, DisinfoPedia), desperate to marginalize the truth in all areas of life, including and especially in ancient history, has done its best to obscure the true nature of this astonishing geological, archaeological, and paleontological treasure. Wikipedia, aka DisinfoPedia, has linked the entire valley area to ancient cult funeral rites. The Rothschilds do literally do everything they can to link the womb / birth / the giving of life / life itself, to death). The Rothschilds’ NSA’s “Google Maps” (aka, DisinfoMaps) dutifully follows suit, naming this ancient petrified human giant’s nether regions, which locals call Utroba Cave or Womb Cave, the “Cult Complex,” in reference to the purported “funeral cults” (??) of this region.

Now, let’s head over to the Montana Megaliths, centered near Helena, Montana.

Montana Megaliths

Below we have two features from the Montana Megaliths.

Montana Megaliths discoverer Julie Ryder stands next to “Dreaming Goddess.

Montana Megaliths discoverer Julie Ryder stands next to “Dreaming Goddess.

"Sonic Knob" at Montana Megaliths, Nipple Breast giant female
An approximately ten-inch-wide nipple on megalithic breast of a human giant turned to stonein an area now called the Montana Megaliths.


Now, let’s head over to Fontainebleau Forest in France.

Below is an ancient mudfossilized mother-infant dyad found in northern France near the Fontainebleau Forest (Forêt de Fontainebleau).

breastfeeding mud fossil rotated
Breastfeeding infant turned to stone. Fontainebleau Forest, France. Photo by Bruno Teste.

Regarding the giant baby breastfeeding on the giant breast above, I wrote to photographer Bruno Teste to ask him if he had a photo showing a wider area, to see if the baby’s skull was elongated. He sent me the photo below. We can therefore speculate that, at one time in the distant past, a society of elongated-skull giant humans lived on planet Earth.

breastfeeding baby in stone
Fontainebleau Forest, France.

* * *

An Expanding Earth Means Lower Gravity and Larger Organisms in the Distant Past.

A smaller earth in the distant past meant lower gravity, and this lower gravity allowed megaflora (large plants) and megafauna (large animals) to flourish, as the fossil record shows in abundance.

The largest dinosaurs of old would not be able to walk, or even move, in today’s gravity.

An expanding earth accounts for (explains, solves, dissolves) most geological mysteries, past and present. For instance, the expanding earth hypothesis fully explains Gaia’s seabed stretch lines.

The Peters Projection

And while we’re looking at maps of Earth, did you know that the school map of Earth is a lie? All school maps, even university maps, show the earth with land masses that are falsely larger nearer to the earth’s poles. The Peters Projection (below) is a different kind of map which keeps relative continent sizes accurate from pole to pole. Look how large Africa really is on the Peters Projection — a map that keeps relative continent sizes accurate:

Correct map of the world's continents.
Above: The Peters Projection – an area-accurate map that shows correct relative sizes of continents on Earth. This is a map you’ve likely never seen. Why?

* * *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as the official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s latest articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at His earliest articles can be found at His Bosnian archaeology videos can be found on the BosnianPyramids Youtube channel. His continental terraforming videos and other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. His book-in-progress, “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, feel free to write

Further Research

“A 10,000,000-Year Timeline War between Reptilians (Draco) and Humans (Anshar)”

“Moon landing: Real or fiction?”

Full Disclosure: “Waiting for the Hollow Moon: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Off-World Relatives”

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay?

“The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

The beautiful and important Piri Reis map – the fragment that survives – was created on gazelle skin parchment. I’m not a math guy, particularly, but I did some basic research on the subject of map projections to investigate the truth about the claims of authenticity of the Piri Reis map. I did two days of research on the subject. This was two days that Robert Milton Schoch was unable or unwilling to spend preparing material for his book “Voices of the Rocks,” in which he (quite oddly) claims that the Piri Reis map is not authentic but, with Wikipedia, instead claims that the lower portion of South America is bent round to fit the parchment. In other words, Dr. Schoch claims that a Turkish admiral, competent to navigate and sail the ancient seas, was too stupid to find a piece of parchment big enough for his map. Let’s continue to do basic research that orthodoxical researchers can’t or won’t do – to get to the basic truths about humanity’s past on Earth. “. . . the reason the lower part of South America is curved to the east on the left-hand lower corner of the map, and the reason that the continent of Antarctica looks as if it might be South America’s extended tip at the bottom center of the map, is that Piri Reis used an azimuthal equidistant projection, a sophisticated cartographic method that gives more accurate relative continent sizes than the modern standard of cylindrical projection, which unnaturally enlarges polar-region continents.”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

“Spontaneous archaeology on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

“The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?”

“No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Baked, Textured, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″
Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones — inclined by their creators into a built hill — in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?”Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology”

The Terraforming of Terra – the End of Institutional Geology and the Beginning of a New Era of Understanding

The Terraforming of Terra book cover from Alps photo collection tealtext GOOD.jpg

by Jock Doubleday
January 24, 2020

In a universe without beginning or end in time (there was no Big Bang), species have had an infinite amount of time to advance technologically, to develop planet-building and planet-terraforming skills, for instance.

universal torus

Our eternally recurring, ever-changing toroidal universe.
The Big Bang never happened. (Obviously.)

In my upcoming book, “Who Built the Earth?” I offer a plethora, a cascade, of scientific evidence in support of the Artificial Earth Hypothesis.

Who Built the Earth? cover image

In this article, however, we will confine our discussion to Earth-surface terraforming.

Gaia’s Cool, Curving Clefts

Gaia’s eternally wet interior, her endless riverbeds and creek beds, give us the clues we need to identify ancient building across her planetary surface.

The videos below provide scientific evidence that riverbeds and riverbanks (and hills) on three continents were built in ancient times as part of a worldwide continental terraforming project.

Please Note: In these videos, the word “eons” is used to mean “a long period of time.”

What we find: Straight-line seams bisect what university geology calls “eons of natural sedimentary layers.” These vertical straight-line seams tell us that these layers could not have been laid down over eons. The seams tell us that the layers were not created by nature, because nature would not have been able to create a vertical line through many layers of horizontal sedimentary material.

These videos (see below) provide visual evidence of ancient Earth-surface terraforming on three continents, specifically in Texas, South Africa, Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia.

The Master Builders and the Terraforming of Planet Earth
Ancient Riverbeds

“The Terraforming of Terra” video series

“And oftentimes they have the vertical lines through the — which are seams, not fractures; fractures break apart, seams join together — we have the vertical lines through the “eons” of material. Oh, really, “eons”? Oh, okay, thanks, professors. I guess you didn’t look at the material. You didn’t come down here and actually look at it. You just said, ‘Oh, we’ve been told its sedimentary, I guess it’s sedimentary.'”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Blanco River, Wimberley, Texas, November 27, 2019″

In the video above is a comparison of archaeological (not geological) features of Terra’s layered surface in Texas, Bosnia, Croatia, and South Africa.


1) parallel vertical straight-line seams in concrete in
a) Cypress Creek’s south bank and
b) Buci Hill’s south bank

2) non-parallel vertical straight-line seams in concrete in
a) Cypress Creek’s south bank and
b) the Fojnica River’s south bank (just southwest of the Temple of Mother Earth)
c) Rijeka Croatia
d) Elands River’s south bank (Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa)

3) smooth-faced section interiors in concrete in
a) Cypress Creek’s south bank and
b) Buci Hill’s south bank

Vertical seams transversing layers tell us that an advanced ancient culture terraformed the earth by laying down many layers of material in a single time period (not “eons”!) with smooth-faced vertical section breaks. These smooth-faced vertical section breaks lead us to believe that the ancients’ sections were laid down inside vertical-sided molds.

The ancients built in sections, left to right, and in layers. The section breaks of a terraformed Earth are seen in the vertical seams in layered material (concrete). This artificial concrete material is known to institutional geology as “natural sedimentary layers,” and the seams (section-breaks) are know to institutional geology as “fractures.”

University professors are desperate to call vertical section breaks “fractures,” even though these fractures are not breaking the material apart but joining it together. The “fractures” of institutional geology are not fractures but seams; they are not geological but archaeological features.

What’s astonishing is that, for hundreds of years, literally hundreds of thousands of geologists worldwide have failed to engage the evidence in front of their eyes, preferring instead to adhere to their “natural sedimentary layering” hypothesis.

Real science marches on.

“What formed this long seam that goes [vertically] through the entire thing? It’s not fracturing. It’s joined together, like a seam in a garment. So all the way down [the creek bank], we have sections that occur.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Cypress Creek, Wimberley, Texas, November 24, 2019″

“I don’t know if these were the Master Builders, but I have a feeling these were the Master Builders that Corey Goode talks about that have built structures throughout the universe, throughout the many galaxies that have been explored so far by the Secret Space Program or [explored] by races who have informed the Secret Space Program. . . . [The S.S.P.] have been in contact with 900 E.T. races through trade. So the Rockefeller Secret Space Program has traded – and usually they [the E.T. races] trade biologicals, they don’t use money, nobody uses money in the Cosmos except us, because we’re so primitive. But they do use things that are of value, it’s just that they don’t represent them with money. They just trade objects.
“And the objects that they want from us are in general artifacts that we find, ancient artifacts that we don’t understand what they are, and we just think, “Oh, it’s just a stone,” but later we find out that it’s a machine. And that’s real precious to them. And the fact that an ancient race, an ancient off-world race wants a certain stone from us should be a clue that it’s not just a stone, it’s something else.
“And they want biologicals, which is genetic materials. They want ovaries, they want sperm, they want blood, they want flesh. That’s what they want. They want to use it for genetic testing and general biological testing. And they want to use it for food, in some cases. Corey Goode got an unfortunate chance to find that out [that some races eat humans], but it’s fortunate that he found it out so that he could tell us.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Cypress Creek, Wimberley, Texas, November 24, 2019″

“Academia is desperate to call tunnels worldwide “caves,” “chambers,” and “wells” to distract humanity from the truth about the inner earth.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas, November 29, 2019″

“So then we have to ask ourselves, ‘If the institutional geologists are not doing their job and looking at the material, who will look at it, and what are the institutional geologists doing to earn their salaries?”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas, November 29, 2019″

“To call it a [natural] fracture would be to literally admit that you’re anti-science. . . . . That’s a seam that runs through many layers of built material.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas, November 29, 2019″

“The ancients were using seashells in their terraforming. And that’s an incredibly interesting thing. 3D printing has gotten to the point where they’re using seashell material, [which is] calcium carbonate[, a binder]. . . . If we’re using seashells, maybe the ancients were using seashells. So seashells are not proof that this is sedimentary material. Geologists will say, ‘If there’s a seashell in it, obviously it’s natural.’ No.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas, November 29, 2019″

“Academia is desperate to call tunnels worldwide “caves,” “chambers,” and “wells” to distract humanity from the truth about the inner earth.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas, November 29, 2019″

“If we really look at the geology of any creek bed — the banks, the bed itself — we can discover that it’s archaeology from the distant past, and not in fact natural geology.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“That seam in ancient terraformed concrete is what your professor asks you to pay him a salary to tell you is a fracture that’s breaking apart the natural material.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“This material is intentionally mixed material from ancient times. They mixed the material, and then they heated the material in place to create a riverbed, a creek, which has no name. We don’t even think it’s worthy of a name, it’s so small. But the ancients took care in building this beautiful little creek. And they sectioned their material. Sectioned, sectioned, sectioned. And you can see the section lines really clearly.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“All across Terra, the ancients created thin, hard layers as stabilizing structural elements to hold in place softer, thicker earthquake-mitigating layers.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“We don’t have an age for the terraforming, yet.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“To see, which is to say, to understand what we’re looking at, we have to spend time looking. So, looking can turn into seeing, but we have to spend time, spend time, spend time. Keep looking. Just look. Don’t look with preconceptions. Just look at it. Come again, look at it again. Come the next day, look again. Come a year later, look again. But keep looking.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 1, Gillespie County, Texas, December 21, 2019″

“Geologists have fantasies about the earth. And therefore they cannot look at the material. If geologists looked at the material they purport to know something about, they would have to hand in their certificates, their degrees, their egos. Because none of what they would be looking at, none of what they would be seeing, would match what they have been told and what they tell others.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 2, Gillespie County, Texas, December 22, 2019″

“We see the [now exposed] interior face of a section. We see that it’s smooth.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 2, Gillespie County, Texas, December 22, 2019″

“No way you’d have a [natural] vertical straight-line fracture through many eons of sedimentary materials. But it is completely logical that the ancients built in sections. . . . It’s not ‘eons.’ They [the ancients] put it all down in one day.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 2, Gillespie County, Texas, December 22, 2019″

“Institutional geologists are throwing up straw man arguments. . . . I’m just showing you what’s here. I’m showing you straight-line seams that transverse different ‘sedimentary layers,’ different ‘eons.’ . . . But the geologists will give you straw man arguments. They’re always talking about erosion, and they’ll say, ‘It formed.’ When they say ‘it formed,’ that’s just words, that’s just nonsense. What formed it? What’s the actor? What’s the action that formed anything that they’re talking about?”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 2, Gillespie County, Texas, December 22, 2019″

“Nikola Tesla said that crystals are living beings. And in the consciousness-raising community, there is talk, more and more, about crystals as harbors for information from the past and of the possibility that we might be able to access this information, these records. Then we must ask ourselves, ‘What do crystals know?’ Well, the ancients terraformed the earth, the continents, with crystalline material. What do continents know? Let’s see if we can find out what some of the terraformed crystalline material that the ancients laid down in sections can tell us.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 3, The Teaching Stones, December 29, 2019″

“The ancients built in an upstream direction, section by section, stepping up their creek bed a few inches at a time, making sure that 1) the water would have micro-turbulence at each step (every few feet), a turbulence that would generate health-giving negative ions, and making sure that 2) the water would run placidly, keeping erosion of creek banks to a minimum. As with the Fojnica and Bosnia Rivers in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, the ancients built their hills and pyramids from the water courses up. The ancients constructed creek beds and riverbeds, fully terraformed objects, as the foundations of hills and pyramids around the world.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – End of Geology Creek, Part 4, Flowing Toward Truth, January 5, 2020″

Texas Creek Bed Step-Downs and Creek Bank Transverse Seams

“Institutional Geology would say that these layers were laid down in different eons. But this seam goes through all these layers. So you know that institutional Geology is incorrect. . . . The diagonal seam comes here and is running basically at a 45[-degree angle] to the direction of the river. And we’ve seen that in many different [terraformed] riverbeds around the world. Again, this [seam] goes through many different layers of ‘sedimentary’ material, which means that they’re not sedimentary. They’re built. There’s no denying that. It’s an unarguable point.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“Institutional Geologists will call this a ‘joint fracture,’ [but] there’s no movement of material that’s showing a differential between these two sections. They are joined beautifully – we could almost say seamlessly, except there is a seam, but let’s call it a seamless seam, for now. Because it’s so perfect, it’s so strong, after thousands of years, dare we say millions.” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“The institutional Geologists, who say that these are fractures, would have to explain why there’s always a smooth interior section face when there’s breaking out of the material. . . . We get to see inside [the ancients’] sectioning. Wow! What a wonderful thing! We get to see a smooth section face! Inside! . . . It’s like seeing inside the mind of the ancients. Except that we don’t really know the truth, we don’t know their motivations for building creek beds and riverbeds around the planet.” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“Behind me is a seam in terraformed concrete. And we have to ask ourselves, Who put this concrete down in sections left to right in ancient times? Who joined it together so beautifully? Who would spend time involved in such a massive engineering project – to build a creek, and to build riverbeds and creek beds around the world, and, by the way, as foundations for pyramids and other structures? And when did this race with a lot of extra time on their hands perform this monumental task of advanced engineering?” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“What sort of hypnotic state must humanity have been in for hundreds and thousands of years to simply ignore regular sectioning, [approximately 45-degree] diagonal lines that go through this material – regular diagonal lines, regular sections (regular left to right) – lines that go through many different ‘eons’ (according to institutional Geology). How is one line going through different eons of material? It makes no sense at all. And why is this seam called a ‘fracture,’ when there is no fracturing? There’s only strength. There’s joining. An astonishing feat of engineering.” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“So this [creek bed] concrete . . . will create, not just turbulence as a level stepping down, but turbulence because of the knobbiness of the concrete, micro-turbulence to create health-giving negative ions. Amazing. . . . See how many levels they have? . . . This stepping, this concrete stepping, is controlling the rate of flow. Fantastic. . . . And we see the corrugation here, because we do have a really steep angle of descent, right here. From there to here, it’s really steep. And you can see how many different levels – the leaves are caught on the corrugated [concrete] material. . . . So [to brake the flow of the water,] they did not make it smooth. . . .” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“Together, we have diagnosed this incredible twin-creek bed and banks. We’ve diagnosed the [regular section] seams. We’ve diagnosed the alternating hard and soft layers that the ancients laid down to keep their structure strong, to make it last. We’ve diagnosed the stepping of the creek bed itself, the corrugated pattern, many different levels, to make sure the water flows slowly, giving their creek bank a longer life through the ages. We’ve also found diagonal seams that run at a 45-degree angle, approximately, to the flow of the river, not only here in Texas, but in riverbeds and creek beds in Bosnia. We have an incredible feat of ancient engineering in the creek bank, here. . . . We have this incredible monument to ancient engineering know-how.” “The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 1, The Diagonal Conundrum, January 11, 2020″

“Each seam in the banks of Ancient Archaeology Creek describes a single vertical line through what we are told are different “eons” of layered material. This means that the layers were not laid down over eons (long periods of geological time) by natural sedimentary action but instead were laid down artificially, in a relatively short span of time, as part of individual left-to-right concrete sections, as the ancients worked their way across the continent.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 2, Stepping Up to Diagonal, Gillespie County, Texas, January 18, 2020″

“Let’s call this next very deep layer one layer – it could be three, actually – and then this is a harder layer, here, that joins with the very hard creek bed. But that’s at least three layers of ‘sedimentary material,’ through which the diagonal seams make their way. Which means they cannot be natural fractures. . . . One line is transversing many ‘eons’ of material. Impossible.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 2, Stepping Up to Diagonal, Gillespie County, Texas, January 18, 2020″

“Stepped creek beds prevent flowing water from accelerating unimpeded. Stepping extends the life of curving creek banks. And stepping creates turbulence, generating health-giving negative ions.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Notice the lack of water erosion. Sharp-edged imprinted patterns survive the ages. No water erosion of super-dense concrete. The artificial creek bed retains its original form.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“What we see is molded concrete, right? Nature didn’t do this. The creek bed is one piece, with steps in it, one long molded concrete piece. Then you’ve got these [creek bank] layers protecting it.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“And you say, ‘How do you know this is terraforming and not natural?’ Well, we see the seams between the sections. The ancients didn’t just magic it all down. . . . We see the seams that mark the sections that the ancients put down.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Notice there’s no fractures, there’s no cracks [in the lower creek bank layer]. Nothing, nothing, nothing. It’s beautiful, it’s perfect. The ancients were so good at this that you can barely see their section line. You can barely see it, it’s so joined. It’s a seam, like a seam in a garment. It’s joined together. . . . It’s integral. Strong. This is where they wanted their creek bed bank to be. . . . Their seams are very, very strong. They’re almost invisible, sometimes. Almost invisible. It’s incredible. The only way we can really see it is the coloration, the difference in coloration [at the seam].”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Let’s call the finely seamed horizontal layers ‘secondary layers’ and the thicker layer that they compose a ‘primary layer.’ [Please Note:] Weathering coloration differs in Sections A and B. Secondary layering pattern differs in Sections A and B.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“So we see, as we always do, at the section lines, we see a smooth interior face. When we do get to see the inside of a section face, we see how smooth it is. Institutional Geology would call that a crack, a fracture. They call that a joint fracture. But we know it’s sectioning. It’s a seam in ancient concrete, because we get to see this smooth interior face in mottled concrete.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Let’s call the ancients’ multiple flat-section stepping of watercourse beds ‘plateauing.'”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Channeling vortexes the water, as do curving creek banks.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“That’s the sound of ancient concrete. They wanted it to last, and it has lasted. Fantastic.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3a, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Above the [creek bank’s] primary layer, we see this softer, jumbled material – earthquake-mitigating – an earthquake-mitigating layer composed of really small, chalky, soft layers. You always see this, always, always, always – not just here in Texas but around the world. When they build pyramids, when they build hills, when they build creek banks, riverbanks, they always use alternating hard and soft layers.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“As we move up the creek, we see these diagonal section lines, section seams [in the creek bank]. . . . So the ancients were building in diagonal sections. Diagonal to the flow of the river: about a 45[-degree angle]. Institutional Geology is going to say, ‘Shut up, sit down, and take the test.’ That’s all they’re going to say. And the test will be on the various names of minerals.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“As we move up [the creek bed], we see the regular seamage. Here’s another one, a diagonal seam, diagonal to the flow of the river. As we see in Bosnia, as we see in the Blanco River [in Texas].
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Diagonal seam . . . diagonal to the flow of the river. And we have this nice smooth section face showing us that the ancients built in sections. Because we have this really knobby material, really knobby, really knobby, really knobby, really knobby. And then [on the exposed interior section face,] smooth. Not perfectly smooth, not Grecian smoothness. On the other side of the Creek, we see again a diagonal construction seam. And that seam, if you follow it across, is going to match a diagonal seam on the other side. Another seam like this. . . . When I say ‘matching,’ I don’t mean it would necessarily be a perfect linear match. I’m saying it’s going to be an angular match. It’ll be the same angle as seams over here on this side of the creek. Because that’s what we’ve seen. We just go with the evidence. Now, why institutional Geology is not going with the evidence, I don’t know.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Now, up above this primary bank of Ancient Archaeology Creek is a continuation composed of regular-depth ancient concrete layers. And let’s look for seams in these layers. When I say, ‘look for seams,’ I don’t mean that we’re worried we won’t find them. We will find them, because that’s how the ancients built. So here’s a diagonal seam right here. Another diagonal seam. And they’re so closely knitted, you can barely see them. Another diagonal seam right there. Let’s follow it. It’s so closely knitted, it’s unbelievable, really. The coloration helps us. But then we have one that’s less closely knitted. We’re going to start here, and we’re just going to move right up the seam. Now, if you want to call this a fracture, we’re going to have to put you in a mental institution, okay? That’s a seam that’s joining together. And it’s diagonal to the flow of the river. Here’s another one. Here’s another seam that’s joining together, joining, joining. So we have these what look to be just sort of random natural layers of concretized material. But in fact this was concrete laid down intentionally by the ancients as part of this hill bordering Ancient Archaeology Creek. Astonishing.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“So every few feet we find another seam. But until we find the seam, we don’t find fracturing. so the material stays strong. It’s completely integral until we find a seam, and even then it’s integral. Look how close-knitted that is. It’s so strong.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“So presumably these two sections were cooling at about the same time to be able to join so perfectly. Perhaps. We don’t know how they did it. They might have used sonic [heating] technology, which would have allowed them to do things we don’t know about.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“Notice how the material is integral, integral, integral, and the only place we find any breaking is at a section line, a clear section line. Pretty amazing, right? Amazing that it’s so strong that it’s held this long.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

“We can see the quality of the building. And if we think that this might be 100,000 years old, or a million years old, it’s amazing that it’s survived the cold and heat differential.”
“The Terraforming of Terra – Ancient Archaeology Creek, Part 3b, Material Integrity, Gillespie County, Texas, January 20, 2020”

*   *   *


We have a terraformed planet. The question is, When was the terraforming performed, by whom, and why?

More terrforming-revealing videos coming soon. (You can make yours, too!)

I hope everyone has a scientific day.

* * *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as the official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s latest articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at His earliest articles can be found at His Bosnian archaeology videos can be found on the BosnianPyramids Youtube channel. His continental terraforming videos and other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. His book-in-progress, “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, feel free to write

Further Research

“A 10,000,000-Year Timeline War between Reptilians (Draco) and Humans (Anshar)”

“Moon landing: Real or fiction?”

Full Disclosure: “Waiting for the Hollow Moon: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Off-World Relatives”

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay?

“The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

The beautiful and important Piri Reis map – the fragment that survives – was created on gazelle skin parchment. I’m not a math guy, particularly, but I did some basic research on the subject of map projections to investigate the truth about the claims of authenticity of the Piri Reis map. I did two days of research on the subject. This was two days that Robert Milton Schoch was unable or unwilling to spend preparing material for his book “Voices of the Rocks,” in which he (quite oddly) claims that the Piri Reis map is not authentic but, with Wikipedia, instead claims that the lower portion of South America is bent round to fit the parchment. In other words, Dr. Schoch claims that a Turkish admiral, competent to navigate and sail the ancient seas, was too stupid to find a piece of parchment big enough for his map. Let’s continue to do basic research that orthodoxical researchers can’t or won’t do – to get to the basic truths about humanity’s past on Earth. “. . . the reason the lower part of South America is curved to the east on the left-hand lower corner of the map, and the reason that the continent of Antarctica looks as if it might be South America’s extended tip at the bottom center of the map, is that Piri Reis used an azimuthal equidistant projection, a sophisticated cartographic method that gives more accurate relative continent sizes than the modern standard of cylindrical projection, which unnaturally enlarges polar-region continents.”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

“Spontaneous archaeology on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

“The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?”

“No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Baked, Textured, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″
Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones — inclined by their creators into a built hill — in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?”Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology”

The Terraforming of Terra – Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S.

by Jock Doubleday
January 13, 2020

Terra’s continents were terraformed in ancient times.

This is Reflection Canyon, Utah, where section seams are laid bare. No foliage intrudes.

1 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 52 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 5 CLOSE-UP3 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. section seam 4 copy4 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 6 CLOSE-UP text arrow GOOD5 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 7 CLOSE-UP text arrow GOOD6 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 8 CLOSE-UP text arrow GOOD7 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 9 CLOSE-UP text arrow GOOD8 The Terraforming of Terra, Reflection Canyon, Utah, U.S. Section Seam 9a CLOSE-UP text arrow GOOD

I hope everyone has a scientific day.

* * *

Jock headshot for book copy Who Built the Earth

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created by Dr. Sam Osmanagich on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at and at Some of his videos about the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, especially those shot in 2014 and 2015, can be found at Most of his archaeology-related videos can be found at Other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. For daily updates on archaeological progress in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, please feel free to visit the Facebook page he administers, This Facebook page also provides information on ancient history in general as well as on the newest science (the “electric universe”). His books-in-progress, “Paradigm Shift: The Gradual Awakening of Science to the Possibility of Advanced Human Civilizations in the Distant Past: The Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex,” and “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, please write

Further Research

Article: “The Terraforming of Terra: Diagonal-seam riverbed construction on two continents

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay? “The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

Three-sided pyramids.
Is this structure an ancient three-sided pyramid – with a very long access ramp – in the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Morava River, in western Serbia? This structure, also known as Jovanje Hill, lies halfway between the towns of Čačak (17 kilometers to the east) and Požega to the west, and is approximately 155 kilometers southwest of Belgrade. (Photo by Vladimir Mijailovic‎.)
“Is There a Three-Sided Pyramid in Ovčar-Kablar Gorge in Western Serbia?”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

And starting 8:50, a new species unnamed by science. I catch it in footage and photos in front of caves and also sometimes in the sky.

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″


Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

– Jock Doubleday
“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”
Semir Osmanagich Facebook page:

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones – inclined by their creators into a built hill – in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015. Photo by Jock Doubleday.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. Jock Doubleday explores South African archaeology/geology, finding ancient circle-shaped holes in stones, and a strange stone with lines in it, November 12, 2015.

What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?

“Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“The knowledge belongs to all of us.” – Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.

“If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

– Jock Doubleday
“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Semir Osmanagich Facebook page:

“Superluminal” (science-fiction story about Tesla, the ether, and more)

The Terraforming of Terra: Diagonal-seam riverbed construction on two continents

by Jock Doubleday
December 1, 2019

COLLAGE - diagonal-seam construction

Diagonal-seam riverbed construction has been discovered on two continents.

Diagonal-seam riverbed construction in the Blanco River’s riverbed (Texas) and in the Bosnia River’s riverbed and in the Fojnica River’s riverbed (Bosnia) is evidence of ancient worldwide terraforming.

Texas, U.S.

IMG_6761 diagonal seam across the Blanco River's riverbed is evidence of ancient construction

One of many recurring diagonal seams spanning the Blanco River in Wimberley, Texas. Photo by Jock Doubleday, November 29, 2019.

Diagonal seam in river bank at Jacob's Well, Wimberley, Texas copy

Diagonal seam in riverbank at Jacob’s Well, Wimberley, Texas.

An in-depth look at diagonal-seam construction (ancient teraforming) in the riverbank at Jacob’s Well in Wimberley, Texas.

Visoko, Bosnia

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Above: Multi-layer diagonal-seam construction in the Bosnia River in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.

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Above: Multi-layer diagonal-seam construction in the Fojnica River in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.

Two Artificial Riverbeds in Bosnia

The two riverbeds in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, the Fojnica River and the Bosnia River, were built in ancient times by an advanced race or races who used baked adhered clay layers to create long-lasting, slow-moving, shallow, meandering riverbeds very similar to the Blanco River in Central Texas.

Feel free to read my article, “Megastructure,” to find out more about the Fojnica and Bosnia Rivers’ artificial riverbeds.

There are many video explorations of the Fojnica River.

If the ancients built riverbeds as the foundational levels of pyramid complexes, what else did they construct all around the planet?

I hope everyone has a scientific day.

* * *

Jock headshot for book copy Who Built the Earth

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional three months in 2017, he worked as official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created by Dr. Sam Osmanagich on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Doubleday’s articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at and at Some of his videos about the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, especially those shot in 2014 and 2015, can be found at Most of his archaeology-related videos can be found at Other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. For daily updates on archaeological progress in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, please feel free to visit the Facebook page he administers, This Facebook page also provides information on ancient history in general as well as on the newest science (the “electric universe”). His books-in-progress, “Paradigm Shift: The Gradual Awakening of Science to the Possibility of Advanced Human Civilizations in the Distant Past: The Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex,” and “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon. To contact Jock Doubleday, please write

Further Research

Video: Who terraformed the earth?
The Terraforming of Planet Earth, with Jock Doubleday, January 5, 2017

Video: “Who Built the Earth?” – (a smaller earth in the past)

Science blog on our hollow, spacecraft moon.
Waiting for the Hollow Moon

Video: What did the ancients mean when they talked about clay? “The etymology of clay is glue.”
The Game of Glue: Exploring Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, June 9, 2017

Video: The meticulous detail of the ancients’ stonework.
“Let’s say that pyramids are energy machines. That would have given the ancients a reason to construct them. But why did the ancients construct non-pyramidal hills from the ground up, or from below the ground up, out of hundreds of millions of tons of clay — hills such as Osijela Hill to the east of the Pyramid of the Sun and Kula Hill to the north — with consistent step-downs? Where did the ancients get their building material (primarily clay)? Who were the ancients, and what were they up to?”
The Artistic Technology of the Ancients: Osijela Hill in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
(start minute 2:50)
Filtering out university indoctrination: the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex, August 29, 2017

Comments are ***enabled*** for Jock Doubleday’s scientific Youtube video, “A Defense of Science.” Science is a conversation between people with evidence. . . . However, and very unfortunately, comments have been ***disabled*** by Earth-Keeper Youtube Channel for the following reference video in which Graham Hancock talks to his Denver, Colorado audience on June 1, 2015 and, in reference to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, says, among other things, “Not everything that looks like a pyramid is a pyramid.”
(start at minute 21:58, for Bosnian Pyramids information)
“Graham Hancock 2015: Live at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate”

Was Graham Hancock right to call concrete slabs on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun natural “pudding stones”?
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

Video: “Super-durable concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – an explanation of megapascals”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

“The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”

“Megasphere: The Stone Ball that Wouldn’t Roll Away: Archaeology Magazine Ignored the March 2016 Discovery of the Most Massive Stone Sphere in the World . . . But It’s Still There”

“Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”

“Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)

Three-sided pyramids.
Is this structure an ancient three-sided pyramid – with a very long access ramp – in the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Morava River, in western Serbia? This structure, also known as Jovanje Hill, lies halfway between the towns of Čačak (17 kilometers to the east) and Požega to the west, and is approximately 155 kilometers southwest of Belgrade. (Photo by Vladimir Mijailovic‎.)
“Is There a Three-Sided Pyramid in Ovčar-Kablar Gorge in Western Serbia?”

The latest from the Balkans: The small “fill-in material” stones inside the cavern did not break off from the surrounding megalithic concrete-like stones. These small stones were brought in. Who brought them in, and why? Was it to hide a tunnel passage?

Video: “CONCRETE OF THE ANCIENTS: Exploring a Prehistoric Cavern in Istria, Croatia, April 9, 2017”

And starting 8:50, a new species unnamed by science. I catch it in footage and photos in front of caves and also sometimes in the sky.

Recent archaeological explorations.

#1. “Prehistoric “Iron Well Tunnel” in Babe, Serbia, August 4, 2016″


Google Maps:,20.5184502,3a,60y,57.66h,69.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA4ob4ZxJdoERvWsW-T9zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4750a6e383f541af:0x7b37d13ef74442fd!8m2!3d44.5374062!4d20.5228345!6m1!1e1

#2. “Babe, Serbia Excavation Site, August 17, 2016”

#3. “If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

– Jock Doubleday
“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”
Semir Osmanagich Facebook page:

Archaeological Explorations in South Africa:

#1. Ancient artificial stones – inclined by their creators into a built hill – in Waterval Boven, South Africa, November 10, 2015. Photo by Jock Doubleday.
“Exploring ancient built hills in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa”

“You can see the stones are inclined to the right, into the face of the structure . . . [Geologists] will just say, ‘That’s the way the hills were shaped over millions of years.’ Well, that’s totally a reasonable claim, unless you actually study them. But you won’t find anyone studying these hills out here. [E]ventually science is going to have to catch up with the world. . . . And if the evidence consistently tells us that these cannot be natural hills, then we must find out what in goodness name they are.”
“Jock Doubleday explores South African built hills made of inclined, rightward-leaning material, November 13, 2015”

Seams in stones on a built hill in Waterval Boven, South Africa. Photos by Jock Doubleday, November 12, 2015.

#2. Jock Doubleday explores South African archaeology/geology, finding ancient circle-shaped holes in stones, and a strange stone with lines in it, November 12, 2015.

What are these petroglyphs? Do they represent star systems? Why are there channels between some of the circles? Are they representations of atoms forming a molecule?

“Star Systems of the Gods? Are Ancient Petroglyphs in Surface Stones in South Africa Talking about the Night Sky or about the Microscopically Small?”

#3. Straight-line vertical seams in what the geologists call sedimentary rock.

The latest from the Balkans: “The Cosmic Internet” 🙂

“Crystalline material defines what pyramids are, all around the world. So I think that this crystalline material that Tesla said is living could be the key.”

We’ll have to figure out the language(s) that advanced civilizations used and use. The data transmitted will be of all ages: from very old to completely new. Scalar wave technology allows civilizations to send information virtually instantaneously across the width of a galaxy, so their latest data, plus data from billions of years ago, will likely be available.
“Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017”

“The knowledge belongs to all of us.” – Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.

“If we’re the ancients and we’re building in sections, we would have seams.

“You can see the top [of the hill] being so regular [and rounded]. The line is really regular, even though the composition of the hill is this really, really strong, tortured material — seemingly tortured, if it was natural — and yet the top is perfectly smooth. It doesn’t make any sense. If this stuff came into existence by the forces of nature, the hill would not be so smooth [and rounded] at the top.

“I want to encourage anyone listening to this video to think of this as some kind of concrete — and not natural — as a hypothesis. . . . We had veins like this, calcite veins, in the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun concrete. And you can see the veins run all through this stuff. Could be natural, right? Could very well be natural. But then again, what if it’s not? If it’s not natural, that’s really, really, really important to know. So, even if the chances of this being artificial are very small, I think it’s important that we pursue this possibility. And there are clues, like these calcite veins, that this could be artificial.”

– Jock Doubleday
“A Tumulus Built in Ancient Times, East of Kosmaj, Serbia, April 26, 2016”

Semir Osmanagich Facebook page:

“Superluminal” (science-fiction story about Tesla, the ether, and more)

Questions for a Secret Space Program Insider

by Jock Doubleday
October 31, 2019

1a. Is there an agreed-on interstellar language?
1b. How do the Secret Space Program’s beacons at the edge of the solar system transmit communication protocols?

solar system -nice-model-990x743

Is our sun in a binary (co-orbital) relationship with Sirius?

sol sirius co-orbit Binary-01

The co-orbital relationship of Sol and Sirius proposed by Walter Cruttenden in his book, “Lost Star.”

Regarding the Blue Sphere Being that has recently encompassed our solar system, until the Draco and other A.I. entities are dealt with by way of the Solar Flash . . . Is the substance of this Blue Sphere Being (the “Outer Barrier”) a barrier that spacecraft can detect?
3b. How do craft, both inside and outside the Sphere, know that the Barrier is there?
3c. Is passage through the Barrier allowed for some craft?

Blue Sphere Being Outer Barrier solar system

What is the nature of the Blue Sphere Being encompassing the solar system as of late December 2014, a being now known as the “Outer Barrier”?

Did Homo sapiens sapiens originate on Mars and grow to giant size before coming to Earth and purposely genetically downsizing?

blue mars with oceans seas Mars-Picture-1-998x697

Was Mars once a blue planet?

Are giant footprints in “granite” all across the earth actually footprints in ancient artificial crystalline concrete?

giant footprint Indonesia

Giant footprint – Subang, Jawa Barat (West Java), Indonesia.

Has the earth been fully terraformed in the distant past with crystalline concrete?

Enchanted Rock post Screen Shot 2019-10-31 at 6.01.38 PM copy

. Is Earth a natural planet or an artificial construction?

Who Built the Earth cover

Do planets accrete naturally from dust and gas, or have all planets been built?

Planet Builders magrathea

. Did species evolve naturally on Earth during both the Reptilian and Mammalian Experiments?
9b. Can you tell us more about the Reptilian Experiment?

reptiles evolving

The fossil record provides evidence that Earth’s species evolved slowly over millions of years. Were other species, like those in the Octopoda order, introduced on Earth from other planets?


Did life begin on Earth naturally or was it seeded?
11b. Are human beings and other beings on Earth natural, or are they artifices of ancient techno-gods?

simulated humans pixelized person

Ken Rohla proposes that multitudinous scalar blueprints for life are continuously propagating from the center of the galaxy and are picked up here on Earth (and presumably elsewhere) by living antennae known as DNA. What do you think of this idea? (Reference Video: Ken Rohla talks about scalar waves propagating out from the center of the galaxy and the idea that DNA is essentially antennae that pick up the information contained in these waves. “Ken Rohla – The Physics of How Consciousness Creates Reality,” October 30, 2016, Deland, Florida)

*   *   *
*   *   *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. His new theatrical drama about Nikola Tesla, “I Dream the Woman Electric,” has been translated into Serbian, Croatian, Ukrainian, and Russian and now also has a musical version as well as a screen adaptation.

I DREAM THE WOMAN ELECTRIC Croatian poster Nikola Tesla colorized photo copy FINAL PRE-POSTER FOR ALL LANGUAGES BEST TEXT ENGLISH simplified

For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional four months in 2017, he worked as official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created by Dr. Sam Osmanagich on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Jock videographer headshot

Doubleday’s articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at and at Some of his videos about the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, especially those shot in 2014 and 2015, can be found at Most of his archaeology-related videos can be found at Other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel. For daily updates on archaeological progress in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, please feel free to visit the Facebook page he administers,

Semir Osmanagich facebook page April 15, 2019

This Facebook page also provides information on ancient history in general as well as on the newest science (the “electric universe”). His books-in-progress, “Paradigm Shift: The Gradual Awakening of Science to the Possibility of Advanced Human Civilizations in the Distant Past: The Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex,” and “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon.

COVER Who Built the EARTH new good larger width simplified GOOD
To contact Jock Doubleday, please write

Further Research

The Cosmic Internet and More

Goran Marjanovich and his team use a microlight drone to investigate scalar energy in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.
Merenja magnetnog polja u bosanskoj dolini piramida upotrebom bespilotnih letelica 2016″ (“Measurement of the magnetic field in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramid using drone 2016”)

Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 1.44.06 PM copy

Od Kreatora, preko fotona do tesliona (1/3)” (“From the Creator through the photon to the teslion”) (video in Serbian).

Nikola Tesla – Prometheus of the New Age,” by Goran Marjanovich (article in English).

Goran Marjanovich discusses scalar energy in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex (in Serbian).

Double-helix spiral scalar wave form discovered in Bosnia:
“Belgrade Tesla Heritage Research Center Founder Goran Marjanovic Discovers Repeating-Ellipsoidal Scalar Waves above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

cosmic internet

“You can move information from one area of space in the universe to another one almost immediately. So now we are getting the ability, the tools, for something that I named the Cosmic Internet.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
(start minute 6:49)
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

“[The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is] sending information from our planet to the sun [and it continues on] from the sun to the center of our galaxy, from the center of our galaxy to the center of the universe, and back! The pyramids are transmitters of information, but they also act as the antenna: they receive the information. So it goes both ways.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
(start minute 8:57)
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

“I would say that this is one of the greatest discoveries in the project so far.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. talks about the suppression of Tesla’s free energy in this video.
Semir Osmanagich gives a tour of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to members of NATO branch in Bosnia”

Interview with Jock Doubleday: “Is the Cosmic Internet running hot in the sleepy Village of Visoko?”

The biggest scientific news of 2017 – perhaps of this century – has been completely suppressed by mainstream science and media. Fortunately, real scientists aren’t dependent on FOX News, ABC, NBC, CBS, Archaeology Magazine, National Geographic, etc. Four independent research teams from different countries have confirmed the 28 kHz beam on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. But Belgrade Tesla Heritage Research Center founder Goran Marjanovic has gone further and ascertained the shape of the beam: repeating-ellipsoidal.
Repeating-ellipsoidal scalar wave detected above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun by Belgrade Tesla Heritage Club founder Goran Marjanovic.”

“All around the world, the top of the pyramid’s not there. And you kind of wonder, where is the top of the pyramid? And so, the theory is that there were crystal capstones, crystal tops, to these pyramids all around the world that have been taken for their value, or taken to keep people from knowing the power of the pyramids. And what is the power of the pyramids? Well, Semir Osmanagich, in his doctoral dissertation, said that one of the things that the pyramids do is to communicate with other planets. So he’s been saying that for decades. And he just got confirmation of scalar wave phenomena in the Bosnian Pyramids by [Serbian electrical engineer] Goran Marjanovic’s work.”
– Jock Doubleday
(start minute 15:14)
Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids

Electrical engineer Goran Marjanovic talks about pyramids as resonance objects on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko, Bosnia, June 18, 2017:
Goran Marjanovic: “That energetic form [the scalar wave vertical beam directly above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun] has an ellipsoidal shape . . . and we can call that object a scalar field.”
Jock Doubleday: “And that’s going 20 billion times faster than the speed of light?”
Goran Marjanovic: “Yes, but that’s the low limit of that energy form’s propagating velocity . . . We can say that using torsional fields and longitudinal electrodynamic vibrations for communication, we can reach unlimited velocities. Which means that you can have communication between great distances immediately.”
Jock Doubleday: “Is ‘unlimited’ the same as ‘infinite’?”
Goran Marjanovic: “Yes. That’s our reality.”
(start minute 00:49)
Pyramids as Resonance Objects: Goran Marjanovic on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, June 18, 2017″

Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. talks about the suppression of Tesla’s free energy in this video.
Semir Osmanagich gives a tour of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to members of NATO branch in Bosnia”

Energy Density of Stable Objects,” by Goran Marjanovich.

The Scalar Conundrum: Will Solving the Riddle of Scalar Waves Help Us Solve Some of the Mysteries of Earth’s Past? An interview with Serbian electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich”

Tweet: @archaeologymag Desperate to distract us from the truth about humanity’s past, Archaeology magazine published another non-story, in a series of non-stories, about the discovery of artifacts associated with a quilter murdered in 1826. #RepeatingEllipsoidalScalarWaves #ArchMagFraud
The Death of Joe the Quilter

“Our cell phones should use scalar wave technology. It shouldn’t be microwave technology.” – Jock Doubleday, “Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids

Interview: “Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017″

Pyramids as Resonance Objects: Goran Marjanovic on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, June 18, 2017″

The Pyramidal Resonator” and the Energy Density Quantification Model, by Goran Marjanovich.

Orgonite Pyramidal Resonator

Orgonite Pyramidal Resonator

Pyramids manufacturer Ken Rohla, United States of America.

Ken Rohla talks about scalar waves propagating out from the center of the galaxy and the idea that DNA is essentially antennae that pick up the information contained in these waves.
Ken Rohla – The Physics of How Consciousness Creates Reality” (October 30, 2016, Deland, Florida)

Electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich, Serbia.

Bosnian Pyramids discoverer Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D., Bosnia.

Pyramids constructor Valery Uvarov, Russia.

True Tesla Technologies Croatia

Scalar Waves: What might they Be? Are they in our Technological Future?” by Giorgio Piacenza.

Institutional (academic) archaeology is in love with two terms: “religious” and “ritual/rite” . . . This allows them to group all of prehistory into a primitive category. In fact, prehistory is full of advanced energy mechanisms that have nothing to do with religion and nothing to do with ritual.
Jock Doubleday
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

The Green Stone” is located in the ruins of Hattusa, capital of the Hittite empire.

“At the bottom of the Rabbit Hole there are tunnels.”
– Jock Doubleday
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 1 – The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”
Author, “Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”
Author, “Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun


Kamenology – the Study of Ancient Artificial Stone: A new scientific discipline restructuring the foundations of geology and archaeology

Bosnian Rosetta Stone A

“The word for stone in Bosnian is kamen. I’d like to start
a new discipline called kamenology.
Jock Doubleday
March 3, 2015

Chasing Osijela Hill:
The Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex:

Clay Quarry or Built Hill?

by Jock Doubleday
August 8, 2019 (updated November 4, 2023)

A new scientific discipline has emerged. The discipline has no (official) name. But it does have substance. An Earth’s worth of substance? Let’s find out.

The Study of Stone — in the Past and in the Future

Kamenology - The Study of Stone in the Past and in the Future

Above: These videos and more can be found in my article, “No Two Stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Are the Same: Hundreds of Millions of Construction Stones Were Individually Textured, Baked, and Placed by an Unknown Advanced Culture an Estimated 34,000 Years Ago

“Anyone can do science. And you have to look with your eyes. And then you do your best to figure things out. That’s all. Just because you have a degree from a prestigious university doesn’t mean you’re right. Because it just so happens that people with degrees from prestigious universities disagree about things all the time. So, the question is, ‘What do you see with your eyes? What’s your best theory?‘ And then you put that out there to the scientific audience – which is to say, to the global mind, since we’re all scientists – and then we see whose theory is the theory that does the best in the opinion of the global mind.” (“Chasing Osijela Hill: The Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex: Clay Quarry or Built Hill?“)

(Academic) Institutional Prison Break

For years, institutional (academic) researchers have held sway over the study and understanding of 1) our planet and of 2) our planet’s place in the universe.

Today, independent researchers realize that much of what has been considered by conventional science to be natural geological stone is in fact ancient artificial archaeological concrete (terraforming).

Much of the substance of the earth is not stone as we know it but was created in the distant past. The surface of the earth, it is being discovered by persons outside of academia, is composed largely of ancient artificially concretized (heated, “cooked”) crystalline materials

The Apostle Islands National Lakeshore off the northern tip of Wisconsin Park includes 21 islands which, if you’re willing to transport your own gear, offer uncrowded camp sites because, well, they’re islands. Red

Ancient pink and rose-colored crystalline concrete in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore at the northern tip of Wisconsin in the U.S.

Free-thinking researchers — that is, non-academic researchers, non-“embedded” researchers, non-controlled researchers, that is, frontier researchers — during the last few decades have been rising up en masse to reclaim the sciences, to take them back from the institutions, much to the consternation of ideologically entrenched (“stuck”) university professors whose droning voices push students inward to protected and enlivened places in the mind where the torture of listening to prepared lectures can be evaded. 

bored boredom girl student boring

Institutional science is a meat-grinder for human knowledge and human motivation.

After literally centuries of Dark Ages fables-as-science (fantasy-as-truth), the orthodoxical academic death-grip is slowly loosening, and real science is beginning to breathe once again outside institutional walls, out in the field beneath the life-giving, eye-opening, brain-stimulating, heart-warming sun.

Independent researchers — both field researchers and laboratory researchers — during the last several decades have been discovering that, at megalithic sites around the world (and beyond those sites, “into the terraformed wild,” as it were), what was previously understood to be “ancient stone” is actually concretized material. 

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Further examples of ancient artificially concretized material (ancient concrete, not natural stone), from around the planet:

1) artificially concretized gypsum (also, for instance, here)
2) artificially concretized clay
3) artificially concretized clay plus river stones
4) artificially concretized limestone
5) artificially concretized granite
6) artificially concretized basalt
7) artificially concretized granodiorite

Ancient artificial concretized stone “recipes” across the earth are still considered by academia to be “natural igneous rock” or “natural sedimentary layers” (pick your delusion). But real science moves forward.

Earth is not what we have been told by droning professors in ivy-covered institutional prisons, I mean universities. It is becoming increasingly clear, to those with eyes to see, that the many advanced races who came to Earth before us, who came in most cases long, long before us, used whatever crystalline material was at hand to create (glue together through a heating process) long-lasting (extremely hard) 1) construction blocks, 2) construction slabs, and 3) construction layers.

The technology used by the ancients to heat these materials is one that modern science has yet to discover.

Some questions:

a) Where did the ancients get the materials to make their concretized building blocks, slabs, and layers? Did they take the material from natural materials on Earth, or did they “magic them up” out the ether?

b) How did the ancients heat the materials they used to make concretized building blocks, slabs, and layers? Did they use remote sonic heating?

c) Why did the ancients terraform the earth with 1) hills and 2) alternating hard and soft layers? To protect an Inner Earth civilization, or civilizations, from the effects of large-asteroid impacts?

The answers to these questions are being pursued by frontier scientists as we speak. Maybe you should become a frontier scientist. Or you could acquire a university degree. These are mutually exclusive pursuits.

How do researchers become frontier researchers? By filtering out university indoctrination, which seeps out into the general populace through the major (controlled) media.

Why Kamen-ology? 

Kamen is the word for stone in the Bosnian language. Bosnia is a land full of artificial stone. Along these lines, please see 1) my recent Portal to Ascension presentation on the Bosnian Stone Spheres and 2) “The Bosnian Rosetta Stones – Could they Be the Keys to Unlocking the Identity of the Builders of the Bosnian Pyramid Megacomplex?” 3) my article (with video explorations), “Megastructure: The Fojnica Riverbed Winding through the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Is an Ancient Artificial Megalithic Structure,” and 4) my upcoming article, “Balkans Hammer: New Archaeological Discoveries Within and Beyond the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Continue to Shatter Academic Paradigms” (publication date TBA).

Artificial stone in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex has been extensively documented by independent researchers. For instance, Osijela Hill, which stands directly across the Fojnica River from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, has been found to be a structure built in its entirety in ancient times. And not just built, but built with meticulous, indeed artistic, care.

And artificial stone creation in ancient times goes far beyond the Bosnian Pyramid Complex. Forty kilometers (as the crow flies) north of the Bosnian Pyramid Complex is a collection of ancient artificially created stone spheres in what has recently been named Stone Spheres Park.

Zavidovici Visoko Bosnia map

Please Note: The ancient, artificially created spheres in Stone Spheres Park have been studiously, indeed pointedly, ignored by the entire academic “scientific” community, including (and especially) Archaeology magazine.

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Please Note Further: No academic publication has acknowledged the stone spheres in Stone Spheres Park, despite laboratory analysis of the spheres performed by Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramid Complex and creator of Stone Spheres Park.

Laboratory analysis found that the natural sandstone in the area of Stone Spheres Park was slightly altered when the stone spheres were created in ancient times. The ancients who created the stone spheres added manganese (Mn) as a hardener and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as a binder. Further, naturally occurring silicon dioxide (SiO2) was removed from the material used to make the stone spheres.

“We are the first . . . who actually analyzed the stone balls. We took traces from four of the stone balls, and one [sample] from the natural stone material. We did chemical and physical analysis. This is what we found out. Nine elements are exactly the same in the case of the stone balls and natural stone. And then one element only the natural stone has: SiO2 silicon dioxide. The stone balls don’t have it. They have two elements instead. One is manganese [Mn]. Manganese we use today to give the hardness to the material. And the second one is calcium carbonate [CaCO3], a binder. So, our conclusion: The builders of the stone balls were using natural stone, then melting it, adding the additives, to get the extreme hardness, and then pouring into the molds to get this spherical shape. And when they got dry, they got very hard and solid.” – Dr. Semir Osmanagich, Bosnian Stone Spheres Park, Zavidovici, Bosnia, June 21, 2015

What has been the reaction of “scientific” academia to the meticulous laboratory science performed by Dr. Sam Osmanagich in regard to the stone spheres near Zavidovici, Bosnia?

None. No reaction. Silence from academia.

23 Months in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

Why am I writing an article specifically about artificial stone?

I spent 23 in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex. For 19 of those months, I was official videographer for Archaeological Park Foundation, a Bosnian NGO nonprofit created by Dr. Sam Osmanagich, discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids.

During my time in the Complex, I was out in the field every day. I couldn’t find any natural stones, except for small grey river stones in the Fojnica River’s riverbed. River stones themselves are a mystery, by the way. How do they get so smooth — often perfectly smooth — by traveling only a few short kilometers down a river? The “river water action erosion” theory is academia’s only explanation for why river stones are smooth. We can do better, but finding the truth about river stones will require a revolution in geological and archaeological sciences, a revolution presently underway (to the great dismay of the university professors, who are desperate for you to accept orthodoxical nonsense dressed up as “science”).

As a daily explorer of the Bosnian Pyramid Complex for 23 months, the only consistent natural features I found in and around Visoko, Bosnia were the topsoil and the vegetation. Everything below the soil was ancient artificial (soft clay layers), ancient artificial concretized clay (claystone), or ancient artificial concretized clay plus river stones (concrete).

The artificial stone throughout the Bosnian Pyramid Complex was created in ancient times, in what is known in academia, bizarrely, as “prehistory.” By using this term, prehistory, it’s almost as if academia wants us to think that no one was on the planet before spear-chucking man. After all, if it was before history, then obviously nothing much was happening. I wonder why institutional forces want us to think this?

Further, in my daily explorations in the field, I couldn’t find natural features (except for the usual soil and vegetation) for many kilometers beyond the boundaries of the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.

The Fojnica Riverbed

In my almost two years in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, I made many treks west along the Fojnica River and east and north along the Bosnia River. First, I went as far west as Kiseljak, then I took another trip a kilometer west of Fojnica Grad (grad means town).

map Who Built the Upper Fojnica River?

sketch of tributaries to the Fojnica River also Dragaca River Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 3.39.50 PM

sketch of tributaries to the Fojnica River also Dragaca River Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 3.40.53 PM

My field research about an artificially created riverbed structurally joining the pyramids in the Complex — research that includes videos, photos, and articles — is compiled in the “Megastructure.” Because the Fojnica riverbed ties together all of the main structures in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, the Complex is essentially impermeable over great reaches of time to river water erosion.

Megastructure: The Fojnica Riverbed Winding through the Bosnian Pyramid Complex Is an Ancient Artificial Megalithic Structure (January 23, 2018)”

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The Gatekeepers of Academia

Wide-eyed university students, fresh from three months off from twelve years of the mind-numbing indoctrination camps known as Public School K-12, learn in Earth Science and Space Science classes that the pleasant and astonishingly round planet, Earth, was formed naturally, long ago, by something called “gravitational accretion.”

Fresh-faced freshmen and freshwomen are told that a nebular disc of dust and gas, a proto-solar system, gathered its elements together, slowly, into the warm embrace of the sun, almost as children gather around a teacher with something good to tell.

Did You Know? . . . The accretion theory of planetary formation, taught in universities as fact, has no scientific basis whatsoever.

planetary accretion disk of dust and gas

The planetary accretion fable of university science.

What do we know according to real science? We know the following:

1) By observation, space debris of significant sizes do not accrete but collide and fracture;

2) By statistical probability, dust particles in the proto-solar system could never have accreted but instead would have drifted alone, and would still be drifting alone, and would forever drift alone, in the vast void of near space.

But, bizarrely, the theory of “planetary accretion” is trotted out in Earth Science and Space Science classes as an inescapable, immutable, and magically wonderful fact (??).

How Did Earth Come into Being, if Not by Natural Forces?

As students in the sciences discover (if they are open to discovery) upon leaving the mind-warping, spirit-deadening university, there is an earth’s worth of evidence that our planet was constructed by an advanced race or races in the distant past. Much of this evidence will be brought out in my upcoming books, Who Terraformed Terra? and “Who Built the Earth?” (publication date TBA; with possible title change to, Who Built Terra?).

Who Built the Earth? cover image

“Who Built the Earth?” is a book with a strong scientific lineage, including, especially, Knight and Butler’s 2005 book, “Who Built the Moon?” which shows that the moon is an artificial satellite placed here by an advanced race or races.

Who Built the Moon by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler
And evidence is accruing that other planets in our solar system may have been constructed. How many planets in our solar system and in our universe were constructed? Academia has no interest in the question or the answer, because academicians believe that Homo sapiens sapiens is the first advanced race in the universe: We didn’t built the planets, so the planets cannot have been built.

“Molten Core”?

Science (remember science, academia?) tells us plainly that planets cannot form naturally. Science must therefore one day posit (heck, let’s do it now) that planets are artificially constructed hollow spheres acting as secure homes for the various advanced races who created them to live inside of, safe from 1) relentless cosmic radiation, 2) domineering space invaders, 3) global surface cataclysms (such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions), 4) droughts, and 5) merciless, pitiless cold.

“But I thought the earth’s core was molten!”

go inside? i was told that the interior of my house is molten iron. snoopy on doghouse roof inner earth people vs surface people meme good


The earth’s core is not, in fact, composed of molten iron. (For details about the academic con game know as “Earth Sciences,” and specifically about the university sciences shell game about the composition of the interior of the earth, please see my article, “Waiting for the Hollow Earth,” which will soon have a follow-up article titled, “The Cavendish Caper,” which brings to light the absurdity of academic science’s claim that a British natural philosopher named Henry Cavendish in 1798 accurately determined both the 1) density and 2) solidity (non-hollowness) of the earth in an experiment with small metal balls, a piece of wood, and some wire “in­closed in a narrow wooden case, to defend it from the wind.”)

The Cavendish Caper

[Publication date TBA]

If I told you that the entire academic edifice of “planetary science” rests solely on this single bizarre experiment by Henry Cavendish, would you be shocked? I was.

Planetary Building Materials

Where did the ancient master builders — whom I call the True Ancients, to distinguish them from the pyramid builders, the Ancients — get the material to build a planet, perhaps more than one planet, perhaps all planets?

“Man’s Greatest Achievement”

Nikola Tesla wrote in his July 6, 1930 article, “Man’s Greatest Achievement,” that humankind’s greatest achievement would one day be to learn how to extract material from the material ether and built planets:

“. . . What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet immortal, with his powers fearful and divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?
“Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space — the Akasha or luminiferous ether — which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.
“The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
“Can Man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding, more still — can he so refine his means of control as to put them in operation simply by the force of his will?
“If he could do this he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear and new ones of his planning would spring into being.
“He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind, on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable.
“He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe.
“He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
“To create and annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man’s mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement which would place him beside his Creator and fulfill his ultimate destiny.”

The question of how exactly planets are built may ultimately be answered best by an accurate reading of the Akashic Records, an eternal virtual library of all that is and all that has ever been.

And by the way, here are some questions for Akashic Records readers specifically about the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.

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did the ancient master builders create planets, and how did they originate and survive to achieve this technology to be able to build planets? These questions that will be explored in my book, “Who Built the Earth? (publication date TBA; and possible title change to, Who Built Terra?).

Blocks of “Stone”? Ancient Artificial Concrete Blocks in a Place Called Egypt

Great Pyramid at Giza

A look upward at the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau.

Why is the word stone in quotes above? Because the millions of “stones” composing the pyramids on the Giza Plateau are not stone as we have been told to think of it. In fact, the millions of pyramid building blocks on the Giza Plateau were created in situ — poured on site — by the ancients into meticulously measured molds, not carved from bedrock and transported by heat-weary, work-weary, king-hating slaves by boat and by land.

A Wake-up Call for Institutional Archaeology, Particularly Egyptology

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Above: Professor Michel Barsoum stands in front of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur, where he has found evidence suggesting that some of the stone blocks were cast, not quarried. Photo credit: Michel Barsoum (Drexel University).

The photos above, and the quoted text below, are from a recent Live Science article:

This is not my day job,” begins Michel Barsoum as he recounts his foray into the mysteries of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

As a well-respected researcher in the field of ceramics, Barsoum never expected his career to take him down a path of history, archaeology, and “political” science, with materials research mixed in.

As a distinguished professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, his daily routine consists mainly of teaching students about ceramics, or performing research on a new class of materials, the so-called MAX Phases, that he and his colleagues discovered in the 1990s. These modern ceramics are machinable, thermal-shock resistant, and are better conductors of heat and electricity than many metals — making them potential candidates for use in nuclear power plants, the automotive industry, jet engines, and a range of other high-demand systems.

Then Barsoum received an unexpected phone call from Michael Carrell, a friend of a retired colleague of Barsoum, who called to chat with the Egyptian-born Barsoum about how much he knew of the mysteries surrounding the building of the Great Pyramids of Giza, the only remaining of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
The widely accepted theory — that the pyramids were crafted of carved-out giant limestone blocks that workers carried up ramps — had not only not been embraced by everyone, but as important had quite a number of holes.

According to the caller, the mysteries had actually been solved by Joseph Davidovits, Director of the Geopolymer Institute in St. Quentin, France, more than two decades ago. Davidovits claimed that the stones of the pyramids were actually made of a very early form of concrete created using a mixture of limestone, clay, lime, and water.

“It was at this point in the conversation that I burst out laughing,” Barsoum said. If the pyramids were indeed cast, he said, someone should have proven it beyond a doubt by now, in this day and age, with just a few hours of electron microscopy.
It turned out that nobody had completely proven the theory … yet.

“What started as a two-hour project turned into a five-year odyssey that I undertook with one of my graduate students, Adrish Ganguly, and a colleague in France, Gilles Hug,” Barsoum said.

A year and a half later, after extensive scanning electron microscope observations and other testing, Barsoum and his research group finally began to draw some conclusions about the pyramids. They found that the tiniest structures within the inner and outer casing stones were indeed consistent with a reconstituted limestone. The cement binding the limestone aggregate was either silicon dioxide (the building block of quartz) or a calcium and magnesium-rich silicate mineral.

The stones also had a high water content — unusual for the normally dry, natural limestone found on the Giza plateau — and the cementing phases, in both the inner and outer casing stones, were amorphous, in other words, their atoms were not arranged in a regular and periodic array. Sedimentary rocks such as limestone are seldom, if ever, amorphous.

The sample chemistries the researchers found do not exist anywhere in nature. “Therefore,” Barsoum said, “it’s very improbable that the outer and inner casing stones that we examined were chiseled from a natural limestone block.”
More startlingly, Barsoum and another of his graduate students, Aaron Sakulich, recently discovered the presence of silicon dioxide nanoscale spheres (with diameters only billionths of a meter across) in one of the samples. This discovery further confirms that these blocks are not natural limestone. . . .

“Also, casting would explain why some of the stones fit so closely together. Still, as with all great mysteries, not every aspect of the pyramids can be explained. How the Egyptians hoisted 70-ton granite slabs halfway up the great pyramid remains as mysterious as ever.

Why do the results of Barsoum’s research matter most today? Two words: earth cements.

“‘How energy intensive and/or complicated can a 4,500 year old technology really be? The answer to both questions is not very,’ Barsoum explains. ‘The basic raw materials used for this early form of concrete — limestone, lime, and diatomaceous earth — can be found virtually anywhere in the world,’ he adds. ‘Replicating this method of construction would be cost effective . . . Ironically, this study of 4,500 year old rocks is not about the past, but about the future.'”

“The Surprising Truth About How the Great Pyramids Were Built”
By Sheila Berninger and Dorilona Rose,
May 18, 2007 05:42am ET

Duoliths: Montana Megaliths, Yonaguni Monument, and Saudi Arabia

Julie Ryder of the Montana Megaliths suggests that we call vertically standing and vertically aligned megalithic dual-stone features around the world “duoliths.” See my article “Bicameral Stone” for an in-depth treatment of this subject.

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Slideshow above: Photo #1 – Duoliths at Montana Megaliths; Photos #2 and #3 – Duoliths at Yonaguni Monument; Photo #4 – Duolith in Saudi Arabia (Al Naslaa rock formation).

duolith smooth geometrical Twin Pillars at the Yonaguni Monument Photo by the Haglands - The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch Part 2 - The Yonaguni Monument

Twin Pillars duolith at the Yonaguni Monument.

Twin Pillars duolith at the Yonaguni Monument Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 3.14.48 PM

Screenshot from “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑.”

It was a lot of work for the ancients to 1) create (mix ingredients for and bake) two mirroring megaliths, 2) create a vertical gap of regular width between the two pieces, 3) create concrete bases or pedestals, and finally to 4) affix the stones permanently to concrete pedestals. But they performed this stone-creating work all around the world. Why?

Are these stones energetic features? Are they like two hemispheres of a brain? Is the air-space bridge in the gap between the mirroring megaliths analogous to a corpus callosum in the biological brain?

corpus callosum nerve fibers

Corpus callosum – a broad band of nerve fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

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Above: Duolith dolmen at Pedra Filga in Caldas de Reis in northwestern Spain.

Julie Ryder of the Montana Megaliths suggests that we call vertically standing and vertically aligned megalithic dual-stone features around the world “duoliths.” I agree. Duolith research, led by Julie Ryder, is already a key part of the study of ancient artificial stone.

Some questions: Why are the duoliths in Montana and around the world set up above the ground, usually on hillsides or hilltops? To protect them from flooding? Or for some other reason, perhaps an energetic one? Are super-megalithic dolmens in Montana, and around the world, duoliths with a top? What is the top for?

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Julie Ryder at the Montana Megaliths.

Please see Julie Ryder’s important new article, “Inventing a New Language to Define Ancient Megalithic Features,” February 9, 2019.

“Julie, this looks like granodiorite. . . . This rock that looks like a piece of inclusion, it’s clearly been metamorphosed and heated up. . . . And I wonder if it’s not a [natural] rock at all, you know, maybe something that was man-made. I want a thin section.” (Geologist Thomas Danenhower, gathering samples for further testing at the Giants’ Playground in the Montana Megaliths, U.S., June 2, 2019. (Video here.)

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*  *  *

Is “Granite” Granite?

Los Barruecos Natural Monument in central Spain. This destination is known for large, granite boulders pink crystalline concrete egg-shaped

Above: Egg-shaped feature at Los Barruecos Natural Monument in central Spain. “This destination is known for large, granite boulders,” says orthodox (university) science. I’m sure the gatekeepers of academia right about this smooth, regular, pink, crystalline, egg-shaped structure being a natural feature. Unless, of course, they’re wrong.

Pink Crystalline Concrete Terraforming in Texas

Who would have thought that Texas would be pink?

In the heart of Central Texas, there’s a pink crystalline concrete dome complex, created by an advanced race or races in the distant past. This ancient artificial series of domes is called “natural” by academic geologists.

The dome complex is named “Enchanted Rock” in modern times. The name comes from the domes’ beautifully changing colors throughout the day and into twilight and the sounds of “voices” at night, which geologists attribute to the nightly contraction of the granite.

I knew the dome complex of “natural granite” was artificial before I visited it in person. (I’ve made three explorations to date, and more are to follow.) How did I know that institutional geology’s “natural granite outcropping” north of Fredericksburg, Texas was artificial before visiting the site? I looked at it from above and found straight-line seams running through it.

Straight-line seam in Enchated Rock Google Earth map

Straight-line seams cannot occur in igneous rock. And these seams are  not fractures. Fractures break apart. Seams join together. There is no breaking apart at the numerous straight-line seams in Enchanted Rock domes. For the full field adventure of discovering that Enchanted Rock is an ancient artificial pink crystalline dome complex, see my video, “Enchanted Rock.”

Below: A mini-talk on natural fractures vs. artificial seams, while waiting for a bus in Rijeka, Croatia:

The Terraforming of Planet Earth

Geology students learn that the surface of the earth is composed of igneous blobs and sedimentary mineral strata in varying states of hardness and malleability. Obviously, natural igneous material and natural sedimentary layers do exist (good job, academia! Yay!). These are continually being formed and reformed across the earth by processes that can be observed and have been observed.

But science beyond academic “classroom science” (banker-controlled science) comes to the rescue and informs us that natural mineral formation and reformation are, in fact, limited across the globe. What is becoming clear from independent field research is that a significant percentage of Earth’s land mass was constructed (terraformed) by an advanced race or races in the distant past.

Our Mission

Let’s continue to explore, to gather evidence, and to hypothesize, in all the branching sub-fields of the honored disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, and geology. And let’s not leave out the space sciences and the energetic sciences.

Let’s leave no scientific stone unturned in the search for the truth about our past on Earth, known to our Star Brothers and Star Sisters as Terra.

In the Past
Geology – the study of stone
Lithics – the study of worked stone (arrowheads, etc.)

In the Future
Geology – the study of stone
Lithics – the study of worked stone (arrowheads, etc.)
Kamenology – the study of ancient artificial stone

* * *

Jock Doubleday is an American writer, researcher, stoneworker, and videographer. His new theatrical drama about Nikola Tesla, “I Dream the Woman Electric,” has been translated into Serbian, Croatian, Ukrainian, and Russian and now also has a musical version as well as a screen adaptation.

I DREAM THE WOMAN ELECTRIC Croatian poster Nikola Tesla colorized photo copy FINAL PRE-POSTER FOR ALL LANGUAGES BEST TEXT ENGLISH simplified

For 16 months in 2014 and 2015, and for an additional four months in 2017, he worked as official videographer for Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a nonprofit Bosnian NGO foundation created by Dr. Sam Osmanagich on November 9, 2005 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Jock videographer headshot

Doubleday’s articles on the Bosnian Pyramids, and on other ancient megalithic monuments and civilizations, can be found at and at Some of his videos about the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, especially those shot in 2014 and 2015, can be found at Most of his archaeology-related videos can be found at Other archaeology-related videos can be found on his personal Youtube channel.

His books-in-progress, “Who Terraformed the Earth?” and “Who Built the Earth? An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past,” will be published soon.

COVER Who Built the EARTH new good larger width simplified GOOD
To contact Jock Doubleday, please write

Further Research

The Cosmic Internet and More

Goran Marjanovich and his team use a microlight drone to investigate scalar energy in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.
Merenja magnetnog polja u bosanskoj dolini piramida upotrebom bespilotnih letelica 2016″ (“Measurement of the magnetic field in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramid using drone 2016”)

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Od Kreatora, preko fotona do tesliona (1/3)” (“From the Creator through the photon to the teslion”) (video in Serbian).

Nikola Tesla – Prometheus of the New Age,” by Goran Marjanovich (article in English).

Goran Marjanovich discusses scalar energy in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex (in Serbian).

Double-helix spiral scalar wave form discovered in Bosnia:
“Belgrade Tesla Heritage Research Center Founder Goran Marjanovic Discovers Repeating-Ellipsoidal Scalar Waves above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”

cosmic internet

“You can move information from one area of space in the universe to another one almost immediately. So now we are getting the ability, the tools, for something that I named the Cosmic Internet.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
(start minute 6:49)
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

“[The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is] sending information from our planet to the sun [and it continues on] from the sun to the center of our galaxy, from the center of our galaxy to the center of the universe, and back! The pyramids are transmitters of information, but they also act as the antenna: they receive the information. So it goes both ways.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
(start minute 8:57)
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

“I would say that this is one of the greatest discoveries in the project so far.”
– Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.
Dr. Sam Osmanagich talks about the Cosmic Internet in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex

Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. talks about the suppression of Tesla’s free energy in this video.
Semir Osmanagich gives a tour of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to members of NATO branch in Bosnia”

Interview with Jock Doubleday: “Is the Cosmic Internet running hot in the sleepy Village of Visoko?”

The biggest scientific news of 2017 – perhaps of this century – has been completely suppressed by mainstream science and media. Fortunately, real scientists aren’t dependent on FOX News, ABC, NBC, CBS, Archaeology Magazine, National Geographic, etc. Four independent research teams from different countries have confirmed the 28 kHz beam on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. But Belgrade Tesla Heritage Research Center founder Goran Marjanovic has gone further and ascertained the shape of the beam: repeating-ellipsoidal.

Repeating-ellipsoidal scalar wave detected above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun by Belgrade Tesla Heritage Club founder Goran Marjanovic.”

“All around the world, the top of the pyramid’s not there. And you kind of wonder, where is the top of the pyramid? And so, the theory is that there were crystal capstones, crystal tops, to these pyramids all around the world that have been taken for their value, or taken to keep people from knowing the power of the pyramids. And what is the power of the pyramids? Well, Semir Osmanagich, in his doctoral dissertation, said that one of the things that the pyramids do is to communicate with other planets. So he’s been saying that for decades. And he just got confirmation of scalar wave phenomena in the Bosnian Pyramids by [Serbian electrical engineer] Goran Marjanovic’s work.”
– Jock Doubleday
(start minute 15:14)
Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids

Electrical engineer Goran Marjanovic talks about pyramids as resonance objects on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko, Bosnia, June 18, 2017:
Goran Marjanovic: “That energetic form [the scalar wave vertical beam directly above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun] has an ellipsoidal shape . . . and we can call that object a scalar field.”
Jock Doubleday: “And that’s going 20 billion times faster than the speed of light?”
Goran Marjanovic: “Yes, but that’s the low limit of that energy form’s propagating velocity . . . We can say that using torsional fields and longitudinal electrodynamic vibrations for communication, we can reach unlimited velocities. Which means that you can have communication between great distances immediately.”
Jock Doubleday: “Is ‘unlimited’ the same as ‘infinite’?”
Goran Marjanovic: “Yes. That’s our reality.”
(start minute 00:49)
Pyramids as Resonance Objects: Goran Marjanovic on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, June 18, 2017″

Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. talks about the suppression of Tesla’s free energy in this video.
Semir Osmanagich gives a tour of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to members of NATO branch in Bosnia”

Energy Density of Stable Objects,” by Goran Marjanovich.

The Scalar Conundrum: Will Solving the Riddle of Scalar Waves Help Us Solve Some of the Mysteries of Earth’s Past? An interview with Serbian electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich”

Tweet: @archaeologymag Desperate to distract us from the truth about humanity’s past, Archaeology magazine published another non-story, in a series of non-stories, about the discovery of artifacts associated with a quilter murdered in 1826. #RepeatingEllipsoidalScalarWaves #ArchMagFraud
The Death of Joe the Quilter

“Our cell phones should use scalar wave technology. It shouldn’t be microwave technology.” – Jock Doubleday, “Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids

Interview: “Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017″

Pyramids as Resonance Objects: Goran Marjanovic on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, June 18, 2017″

The Pyramidal Resonator” and the Energy Density Quantification Model, by Goran Marjanovich.

Orgonite Pyramidal Resonator

Orgonite Pyramidal Resonator

Pyramids manufacturer Ken Rohla, United States of America.

Ken Rohla talks about scalar waves propagating out from the center of the galaxy and the idea that DNA is essentially antennae that pick up the information contained in these waves.
Ken Rohla – The Physics of How Consciousness Creates Reality” (October 30, 2016, Deland, Florida)

Electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich, Serbia.

Bosnian Pyramids discoverer Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D., Bosnia.

Pyramids constructor Valery Uvarov, Russia.

True Tesla Technologies Croatia

Scalar Waves: What might they Be? Are they in our Technological Future?” by Giorgio Piacenza.

Institutional (academic) archaeology is in love with two terms: “religious” and “ritual/rite” . . . This allows them to group all of prehistory into a primitive category. In fact, prehistory is full of advanced energy mechanisms that have nothing to do with religion and nothing to do with ritual.
Jock Doubleday
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch – Part 1: The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”

The Green Stone” is located in the ruins of Hattusa, capital of the Hittite empire.

“At the bottom of the Rabbit Hole there are tunnels.”
– Jock Doubleday
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 1 – The Bosnian Pyramid Complex”
Author, “The Mysterious Anti-Scientific Agenda of Robert Schoch: Part 2 – The Yonaguni Monument 与那国記念碑”
Author, “Stonewalling the Ancients: Robert Schoch Continues to Ignore Evidence of Ancient Underwater Stonework at the Yonaguni Monument”
Author, “Witchcraft Cartography and Clairvoyant Archaeology: A Review of Robert M. Schoch’s “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” (1999)
Video: “A Defense of Science – Ancient concrete on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun
